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6 posters

    My little project - restoring the automotic steering column

    Old Skool
    Econoline Guru

    Number of posts : 1306
    Location : North Hills, CA
    Age : 72
    Registration date : 2009-06-13

    My little project - restoring the automotic steering column - Page 2 Empty Re: My little project - restoring the automotic steering column

    Post by Old Skool Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:04 am

    Perhaps yours is one of the MANY returned mails,, I really don't know? I have so many emails from helping so many people, in addition to all of my own to customers and their projects. Its hard to remember to remember who is just picking my brain for info, and the ones who are having trouble and needing parts, emails that I still need to fix or get back to, etc, etc, etc, its a lot of work!!!! let alone actually finding the time to work on paying orders,,, LOL
    Hope you understand???? I took a lot of time to try and make everything as detailed for you as I possibly could???? I really don't understand how to make it any easier. A lot of times, I see people only dealing with a one on one situation, and I wished you were the only person I had to answer to at once, however, its just impossible, unless I give up working on these trucks all together. Sorry to ruffle your feathers, but the offer is still there. I hope you have a good internet service, as I get a lot of undeliverable returned mails from some people who cannot accept any decent amount of pictures. In any event, I will try again, if you send another PM,, Please understand, I may take a day to return yours, as I cant live on the putter and get anything done for myself.

    My little project - restoring the automotic steering column - Page 2 Empty Re: My little project - restoring the automotic steering column

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:30 pm

    Vic - no sweat, my feathers aren't ruffled. I've sent another PM with same message again to you. Whenver you got time to reply - take your time. I've already 1/3 in sanding the metal pieces down to bare metal, I have 4 pieces to go. I got the auto shift stick out! Ok, the neck will stay on column ... I just was misled by your sentence what you wrote. I thought you was talking about separating the neck tube from the shift tube. But now I understand - got it. No problem.
    Old Skool
    Econoline Guru

    Number of posts : 1306
    Location : North Hills, CA
    Age : 72
    Registration date : 2009-06-13

    My little project - restoring the automotic steering column - Page 2 Empty Re: My little project - restoring the automotic steering column

    Post by Old Skool Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:42 pm

    cool,,,, working on over load, since I got out,, its real easy on this end to get things mixed up, four cross members, two sets of discs, three masters, four columns and honest I remember your address by heart,,, LOL
    The welded seam is a bit of a challenge, indiscriminate location. I fill with a special two part filler after priming, sand and then re prime, etc, etc, time consuming and a real pain, but that's what it takes. Fine sand with 500 and ready for top coat,,, whew,,,,,,,,I just sent you a trial pm, to see if I guessed your address correctly,,, that would fool any spammer as its hard enough to decipher yours,, ha,ha,,
    will check it right now ,, nope returned mail no such address? will try yours again, but I have never heard of the dot ca you wrote as part of your address,, also no pm to make it easier that way???\

    My little project - restoring the automotic steering column - Page 2 Empty Re: My little project - restoring the automotic steering column

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:51 pm

    Pm ya again - should be simple to see my email address now
    Old Skool
    Econoline Guru

    Number of posts : 1306
    Location : North Hills, CA
    Age : 72
    Registration date : 2009-06-13

    My little project - restoring the automotic steering column - Page 2 Empty Re: My little project - restoring the automotic steering column

    Post by Old Skool Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:54 pm

    nope??????????? only two new ones were from this site

    Number of posts : 12254
    Location : San Diego, California
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    My little project - restoring the automotic steering column - Page 2 Empty Re: My little project - restoring the automotic steering column

    Post by donivan65 Mon Dec 06, 2010 7:11 pm

    You guys look in your OUTBOX,,,,,,,,in your PM messages,,,,,,if you see a message there, IT AINT BEEN READ by the person you sent it to,,,,,,,

    My little project - restoring the automotic steering column - Page 2 Empty Re: My little project - restoring the automotic steering column

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 02, 2011 10:08 pm

    Doniivan65, my outbox is emply - no messages in there. So that's a mystery for me Wink

    Well, I'm still going in progress with my steering column project - I got 3 pieces done in primer, 4 pieces already bare metal - almost going to be done in primer this week. I would say I'll get all the pieces done in primer by next week.

    I'm expecting to get my new signal wiring harness in mail.

    On the side note: I happen to spot a '74 Ford Econoline van at the local yard and it has almost the same steering column but is with a different bracket to dashboard. However, it does have the same auto setup like mine - just with the E-flasher which this yard van have.

    Didn't realize the 3rd gen Ford vans carry over the same type from 2nd gen models. Just slightly different by bracket is all. Learn something new eh?
    Old Skool
    Econoline Guru

    Number of posts : 1306
    Location : North Hills, CA
    Age : 72
    Registration date : 2009-06-13

    My little project - restoring the automotic steering column - Page 2 Empty Re: My little project - restoring the automotic steering column

    Post by Old Skool Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:24 pm

    Sorry,, but so many posts, I may be mixing some up???? I convert most all of our columns over to use the 74 flashers,,, its exactly like our (LATE) 67's,,, except for the plug ins....ALSO,,,,, keep an eye out for a cherry steering wheel on the 68 to 74's,,, they are identical to ours. I don't care for using the GENII columns in ours, as too much to hide (detailed post yesterday),,,, and you need to rob your mount off of yours anyways,, I find it better to simply make one out of yours,,,,
    Again,, maybe mixed up on the post,,,, but,,,, if you are rebuilding yours as a manual, I also, upgrades to the bronze bushing setup, and a heavier duty replacement upper support, ours is thin and usually broken or on its way to broken,,,,,

    My little project - restoring the automotic steering column - Page 2 Empty Re: My little project - restoring the automotic steering column

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 05, 2011 5:24 am

    ^ Will go back to the yard to take another look at the '74 Ford van on the steering wheel. It's in colored Green but can be dyed into black if possible.

    No, Vic ... I'm not rebuilding mine as a manual. Only auto shift is it. This month I'll have all the pieces done then will ship them to you for the brushing set up and whatever you work on. Ok? Get it?

    More pics will come later.

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