Like I said, I have all the jigs setup to properly weld any and all parts of these column parts where they belong. This includes a jig to weld the needle holder pc in the proper position on the shift tube itself. I run into these either broken, missing and or loose like yours is.
Also, I mentioned in having to bore out the aluminum mounting bracket in order to give it a little more clearance, that I had to make a jig to re weld the shift arm back in its correct position. So,, its all handled here.
I would prefer you to do the blasting and all the metal work repair, like plier marks, blending in the weld seam on the tube, rust pits, etc. However, in order to do it correctly, you will need a good primer before hand, I use Epoxy primer, and then fill and blend to perfect, then I top coat. So,,, if you at least blast if and prime it for me that will be just fine, and then you can complete the painting part. I actually loose money on it, as the paint alone, without the reducer or hardener is $95 a quart. (shop price) reducer is $58 a gallon, etc, etc,,,, hours and hours filling and blending, etc, etc,
In order to properly paint the shift tube it takes a minimum of one week to paint it by itself. Not including the welding and re cutting of the end to bring it back to new. The paint needing a minimum of two days for EACH of the two painting stages, in order for the paint to fully cure. If you mask the one side in order to paint the other side, BEFORE the paint has fully cured, it leaves marks in the side you just painted,, its a pain to do it nicely. I leave the parting line for these two, underneath the aluminum support pc so that no one can see it.
If you want the E flasher upgrade also, again, I have the jigs setup to do it easily and correctly,,, however you will need an eight wire turn assembly. I can sell you a used one for $45. You need to repair yours anyways, so you would get an update at the same time!!! If not I may have an early turn assembly, will look depending on what you would like????
In regards to the knobs,,, like I said before,,,, Carpenters, Mac's, etc, etc, all sell the same knobs, and I have a source for the 67 type knob also. So that is/was covered also.
Bending up the automatic shift arm that is welded onto the shift tube, is a real pain, like I said, so you can save both of us a lot of extra work if you send me your automatic, blasted and primed for me to repair for you. I can do all the repairs which would ALSO include my NEW replacement plastic shift indicator plate and a late model replacement shifting handle for $125. If you want the E flasher in the column, I will include that for free also. If you would like the used turn assembly please add that price to the total. If you would like a painted and completed, however converted over manual column, that is quite a bit more involved, and that would be the standard price of $275. Of course all of this does not include shipping. Would be happy to help you, so let me know???