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Joe Van
dodge man
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    Then and Now... Are we better off today?


    Number of posts : 284
    Location : Durango and front range CO and Delaware valley
    Registration date : 2012-05-29

    Then and Now... Are we better off today? - Page 2 Empty Re: Then and Now... Are we better off today?

    Post by mikeysly Tue May 06, 2014 5:56 am

    Rich bastard bankers are the biggest charity case in the country! tanked the economy, fleeced the treasury and walked away without so much as a misdemeanor! welfare programs are less than 1% of the budget. military eats up over 55%!
    dodge man
    dodge man

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    Then and Now... Are we better off today? - Page 2 Empty Re: Then and Now... Are we better off today?

    Post by dodge man Tue May 06, 2014 6:23 am

    to much glum and dumb for me ! i'll stay in my cave we're all gona die !!

    Number of posts : 67
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    Then and Now... Are we better off today? - Page 2 Empty Clinton

    Post by Coop Tue May 06, 2014 6:52 am

    Well yes and no. The banks were just doing what the government told them to do, give loans to people weather they can afford it or not. Remember Bill Clinton rewrote the Community Reinvestment Act in the mid 90's and the result was the crash of the economy (housing market). As I said put all of those government assistance programs together not just welfare (there are far to many for me to list here) and you'll find it to be alot more then 1%

    Last edited by Coop on Tue May 06, 2014 12:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Number of posts : 655
    Location : Eastpointe MI
    Registration date : 2008-09-22

    Then and Now... Are we better off today? - Page 2 Empty Re: Then and Now... Are we better off today?

    Post by vanner68 Tue May 06, 2014 7:41 am

    All I know is I remember thinking that what I make now would be a lot of money. It ain't. No 

    Number of posts : 67
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    Then and Now... Are we better off today? - Page 2 Empty Re: Then and Now... Are we better off today?

    Post by Coop Tue May 06, 2014 7:54 am

    vanner68 wrote:All I know is I remember thinking that what I make now would be a lot of money. It ain't. No 

    So true, it's just sad  pale 
    Space Truckin
    Space Truckin

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    Then and Now... Are we better off today? - Page 2 Empty Re: Then and Now... Are we better off today?

    Post by Space Truckin Tue May 06, 2014 8:31 am

    Have not drawn a pay check from my company in over 2 years, 30 years in business and NEVER seen an ECONOMY as POOR as this!!! Angry YES, all I have done is provide a TAX BASE, JOBS, PENSION and HEALTHCARE just to be CHOPPED OFF AT MY KNEES
    Joe Van
    Joe Van
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    Then and Now... Are we better off today? - Page 2 Empty Re: Then and Now... Are we better off today?

    Post by Joe Van Tue May 06, 2014 11:57 am

    pan58head wrote:My 2 cents, I have a "good job" as I'm told, make decent money. But I do side work to survive, this used to be extra money for my projects/toys. Now seems as fast as money comes in it goes back out. I feel for the next generation, they are never going to get ahead. Most of the guys i work with are getting close to retirement age and alot of them are not going to get to retire, going to have to work an extra 5-8 years
    I am in the Same Boat 3 steps Up the ladder 2 back Down.. Evil or Very Mad

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    Then and Now... Are we better off today? - Page 2 Empty Re: Then and Now... Are we better off today?

    Post by Twinpilot001 Tue May 06, 2014 2:39 pm

    I always strived to climb the =Ladder!! ever since Regan & the 2 Bushes- I have slipped & fallen=always too the groumd!! Flat on my back now too! At 66 years age now - Im seeing the biggest differences ever!! Next they want a woman for president and Ill be Darned if ill vote for that!!  affraid  The democrats want only idiots in power & more $$ so they build a larger government , more to give away to deadbeats & illegals too. Right to Vote?? everyone should have paid Taxes to vote and -BE A US CITIZEN!-not just have a fake ID & drivers lisenceThe average blue collar, middle income workers are all very upset & buying guns & ammo =like. theres no tomorrow!! Its sad to see all that we have to go thru--Yet its all -OUR Fault for Letting it happen!! Best to amend terms in office to - everyone to a max of 8 years!! Period!! even local government & have never allow any lawyers & attorneys to hold any offices!! Think about it- My 2 cents worth!!
    Joe Van
    Joe Van
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    Then and Now... Are we better off today? - Page 2 Empty Re: Then and Now... Are we better off today?

    Post by Joe Van Tue May 06, 2014 3:31 pm

    Politics and Friends don't mix so I will give it a try Please Guys just JMO...I have been living on One Income for 4 years now my wife was in a car accident and 10 years later has had 2 back surgery on top of other issues..!!.. We have always survived one way or the other we have been fighting disability for 4 years now...Lately with the price of gas $ 4.23 a gallon  (Hi test) and the cost of Grocery's,insurance, mortgage,electric bill's,My head is spinning I use to do side jobs and other things for extra money for Camping trips, Parts for the Van's, it seems like now all the Extra Money is going for the increase in living... $100.00 dollars at the grocery store wont get you hardly nothing any more..Here in Florida the Food prices are going up and they said don't be surprised if gas is $5,00 a gallon by Summer...We are All living on a fixed income there is NO more Middle Class Either you are living Month to Month or Money is No issue..!!!.. I say clear out the Senate and bring in all New People..!!!.. Smile ..

    Number of posts : 284
    Location : Durango and front range CO and Delaware valley
    Registration date : 2012-05-29

    Then and Now... Are we better off today? - Page 2 Empty Re: Then and Now... Are we better off today?

    Post by mikeysly Tue May 06, 2014 6:25 pm

    Coop you're absolutely right. Clinton repealed Glass-Steagal and let the bankers run amock. still think social welfare spending is a miniscule percentage compared to corporate welfare and military spending. don't have the stats handy and i'm a tech tard so i couldn't post 'em for ya' anyway. this "recession" (depression) makes reagan-bush 1 seem like a cakewalk. vote 3rd party y'all!

    Number of posts : 655
    Location : Eastpointe MI
    Registration date : 2008-09-22

    Then and Now... Are we better off today? - Page 2 Empty Re: Then and Now... Are we better off today?

    Post by vanner68 Wed May 07, 2014 4:16 am

    Any 3rd party candidate will be painted as a whacko by the two parties in power, and enough people will buy their BS to keep them in power. Biggest hindrance to a third party candidate is the misconception that you are 'wasting your vote' or 'helping the other side' if you vote 3rd party.

    Elections get what, a 40% turnout these days? If half those abstaining voted third party we would get some fresh blood in the game!

    Number of posts : 284
    Location : Durango and front range CO and Delaware valley
    Registration date : 2012-05-29

    Then and Now... Are we better off today? - Page 2 Empty Re: Then and Now... Are we better off today?

    Post by mikeysly Wed May 07, 2014 4:41 am

    this is true Vanner, but i gotta at least have self respect, vote AND vote 3rd party, unlike our fellow somnambulant "citizens"....

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    Then and Now... Are we better off today? - Page 2 Empty Re: Then and Now... Are we better off today?

    Post by pan58head Wed May 07, 2014 5:28 am

    This topic came up between a buddy and me yesterday. He works for himself(bodyman) and usually he stays busy, not saying he's getting rich but busy. He is been slow for awhile. I work weekends for a aircraft manufacture and then work out of my shop during the week. Like I said this used to be play money. Now I pay bills with it/survive on it. I used to like to buy and sell , but lately everyone wants to trade. I just sold a motorcycle for about half what it was worth and it took me a year to sell it. I"ll take the old days when I had money in my pocket!!!!!!

    Number of posts : 6186
    Location : spokane ,Wa.
    Registration date : 2009-09-28

    Then and Now... Are we better off today? - Page 2 Empty Re: Then and Now... Are we better off today?

    Post by Twinpilot001 Wed May 07, 2014 5:54 am

    Watching Craid's list here & i notice everyone is trying to sell stuff we would have thrown away !! Economy?? we dont have any-anyone that works is scraping what they can find & do for $$ to make ends meet -sad!! Evil or Very Mad 

    Number of posts : 655
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    Registration date : 2008-09-22

    Then and Now... Are we better off today? - Page 2 Empty Re: Then and Now... Are we better off today?

    Post by vanner68 Wed May 07, 2014 5:57 am

    I sold off and scrapped a lot of stuff to finance my 65 build.

    It all just went on the electric bill. (electric heaters, furnace took a crap)

    Number of posts : 67
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    Then and Now... Are we better off today? - Page 2 Empty Re: Then and Now... Are we better off today?

    Post by Coop Wed May 07, 2014 10:23 am

    Twinpilot001 wrote:I always strived to climb the =Ladder!! ever since   Regan & the 2 Bushes- I have slipped & fallen=always too the groumd!! Flat on my back now too! At 66 years age now - Im seeing  the biggest differences ever!!  Next they want a woman for president  and Ill be Darned if  ill vote for that!!   affraid  The  democrats want only idiots in power & more $$ so they build a larger government , more to give away to deadbeats & illegals too. Right to Vote?? everyone  should have  paid Taxes to vote  and -BE A US CITIZEN!-not just  have a fake ID & drivers lisenceThe average blue collar, middle income workers are all very upset & buying guns & ammo =like. theres no tomorrow!!  Its sad to see all that  we have to go thru--Yet its all -OUR Fault for Letting it happen!! Best to amend  terms in office to - everyone to a max of 8 years!! Period!! even local government & have  never  allow any lawyers & attorneys to hold any offices!!  Think about it- My 2 cents worth!!

    100% RIGHT ON Brother

    Number of posts : 655
    Location : Eastpointe MI
    Registration date : 2008-09-22

    Then and Now... Are we better off today? - Page 2 Empty Re: Then and Now... Are we better off today?

    Post by vanner68 Wed May 07, 2014 11:06 am

    Republican or Democrat, it matters not- they represent the money, not the people.

    Outlaw PAC's, and lobbying, and we might have a shot at honest government. But since those making the laws are the ones benefiting from both, you can guess what the odds of that happening are going to be.

    Number of posts : 284
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    Then and Now... Are we better off today? - Page 2 Empty Re: Then and Now... Are we better off today?

    Post by mikeysly Wed May 07, 2014 6:42 pm

    Right on vanner68! While we're at it outlaw political parties entirely! single candidates with public campaign financing if one gets the requisite voter signatures and mandated equal coverage in media.

    Number of posts : 655
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    Then and Now... Are we better off today? - Page 2 Empty Re: Then and Now... Are we better off today?

    Post by vanner68 Wed May 07, 2014 6:58 pm

    Limit campaigning to the 30 days before election day.

    Number of posts : 284
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    Then and Now... Are we better off today? - Page 2 Empty Re: Then and Now... Are we better off today?

    Post by mikeysly Thu May 08, 2014 7:28 am

    vanner68 where have you been all my life?!? (hahahaha)

    Number of posts : 655
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    Then and Now... Are we better off today? - Page 2 Empty Re: Then and Now... Are we better off today?

    Post by vanner68 Thu May 08, 2014 4:18 pm

    Biggest problem in the country are the so-called 'sheeple', that vote on name recognition and sound bites without digging any deeper.

    I got threatened with a ban over at at popular vannin website because I had the audacity to suggest that if you had no idea what the candidate stood for beyond what you heard in 30 second TV ads, to do everyone a favor and stay home.
    dan nachel
    dan nachel

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    Then and Now... Are we better off today? - Page 2 Empty Re: Then and Now... Are we better off today?

    Post by dan nachel Thu May 08, 2014 4:21 pm

    YOU BASTERD!!!!! How could you? haha Vote for Pat Paulson

    Number of posts : 655
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    Then and Now... Are we better off today? - Page 2 Empty Re: Then and Now... Are we better off today?

    Post by vanner68 Thu May 08, 2014 4:29 pm

    I'd vote for Borat, at least then we could end this ridiculous political correctness.

    Number of posts : 284
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    Then and Now... Are we better off today? - Page 2 Empty Re: Then and Now... Are we better off today?

    Post by mikeysly Thu May 08, 2014 5:03 pm

    freedom of speech is the 1st amendment and the 2nd amendment is to retain the 1st. What about Elizabeth Warren?

    Number of posts : 655
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    Then and Now... Are we better off today? - Page 2 Empty Re: Then and Now... Are we better off today?

    Post by vanner68 Thu May 08, 2014 5:44 pm

    Did a quick look at her background- majored in bankruptcy law (fitting for the way we are going) but I disagree with her position on minimum wage.... I don't know where she came up with that '$22/hr" figure, but if the guy making the Big Mac was making $22/hr, the hamburger would cost $18 and he still couldn't afford it.

    'Minimum wage' was never intended to be a living wage, it's an agreed upon entry point that was intended to entice teenage workers to better themselves. It had to be high enough to get them in, but low enough to make them want to move up. Remove the incentive to move up and society stagnates.

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