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6 posters

    Another guy from europe


    Number of posts : 10
    Location : Germany
    Registration date : 2011-06-18

    Another guy from europe Empty Another guy from europe

    Post by Ruth-66 Thu Jan 10, 2013 5:59 am

    Hello everybody,

    i m on the forum since i think 2008 but one day my account was inactive and gone (i think). In 2009 i went to the states to buy a A-100. I bougth one 200 miles north from L.A. When the guy tryed to deliver the van he was hit buy a Trucker under drugs...........and the van was history.
    2 days later i bought another a-100 in L.A. and shipped it to germany. Since then i tryed several times to start that beast but something bad must have happened to the van at the harbour or the ship Laughing he wont start again.
    Last week i startet again to work on the van. I put a new main brakecylinder and a new alternator with resistor and spark plugs with wires in, but he wont start.

    So i see the summer coming and i want the van running. I will ask some questions in the next monts or years rendeer

    Thank you


    Number of posts : 14778
    Location : Ashburnham, MA
    Age : 65
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    Another guy from europe Empty Re: Another guy from europe

    Post by vanny Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:38 am

    Welcome back to VV and Congrats on the van. Don't forget to include pictures when asking questions so we can catch a glimpse of your project as well. Wink

    “The future will soon be a thing of the past."
    Big W
    Big W

    Number of posts : 3282
    Location : Saskatoon,Sask,Canada
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    Another guy from europe Empty Re: Another guy from europe

    Post by Big W Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:11 am

    Welcome back to VV. The Dodge boys will have you up and running in no time. Lots of knowledge in here, And definitely don't forget your pics. Congrats on finally getting your new ride home. cheers

    Number of posts : 10
    Location : Germany
    Registration date : 2011-06-18

    Another guy from europe Empty Re: Another guy from europe

    Post by Ruth-66 Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:29 pm

    thank you for the warm welcome.

    I will try to post some pics soon.

    Number of posts : 151
    Location : northwest
    Registration date : 2012-11-01

    Another guy from europe Empty Re: Another guy from europe

    Post by rebar Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:49 pm

    Welcome back. It would help to have more detailed info, i.e.; the engine doesn't turn over; the engine cranks but the wires won't spark, etc.

    Number of posts : 3046
    Location : Chino Valley
    Registration date : 2010-01-21

    Another guy from europe Empty Re: Another guy from europe

    Post by RodStRace Thu Jan 10, 2013 5:15 pm

    I just wrote a Van Doesn't Start Checklist for this question.
    It's in the This Is How It's Done Section here.

    Moderator 1st Class
    Moderator 1st Class

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    Another guy from europe Empty Re: Another guy from europe

    Post by dix Thu Jan 10, 2013 6:59 pm

    also is the engine /6 or a v8, standard or automatic?? it could be a nutural saftey switch. was any wiring changed. like electronic ingnition ? they may have added a fuseable link, as suggested by most when changing over. give us more info.. and we will get you on the road. .welcome to Vintage Vans

    still vannin since 1974

    Number of posts : 151
    Location : northwest
    Registration date : 2012-11-01

    Another guy from europe Empty Re: Another guy from europe

    Post by rebar Fri Jan 11, 2013 1:24 am

    RodStRace wrote:I just wrote a Van Doesn't Start Checklist for this question.

    Another excellent post Mr R, and thank you for adding it to "this is how it's done" section.

    Number of posts : 10
    Location : Germany
    Registration date : 2011-06-18

    Another guy from europe Empty Re: Another guy from europe

    Post by Ruth-66 Fri Jan 11, 2013 9:25 am

    Thank you RodSt.
    i will go trough your description

    Our van is a 318 v8 with auto trans

    I changed parts as followed:

    -balsat resistor,
    -mopar distributor,
    -the black ECU ignition Box under the Van,
    -all the wires from there to the engine,
    -spark plugs and wires
    -ignition coil

    The engine turns over an spark is strong enough (i think)
    the whole system looks good, and all wires are correct.
    We mesured everyting at its al good, but the engine wont run.
    It turns over smooth but wont fire up. In L.A. it runs perfect, in Rotterdam we couldnt start the A-100.

    Distributor is in the right position. We checked it wiht the bosch ignition pistol.

    Thank you.

    Number of posts : 3046
    Location : Chino Valley
    Registration date : 2010-01-21

    Another guy from europe Empty Re: Another guy from europe

    Post by RodStRace Fri Jan 11, 2013 10:41 am

    Sounds like it's going to be fuel then.

    It's very common for these old cars and vans to have pretty messed up fuel tanks, tired rubber hoses, clogged filters and weak pumps. It can also be common for the ocean voyage to shake stuff loose in the tank and carb.

    Pull the line from the inlet to the carb and crank the engine. You should get a good pulse of clean fuel from the line.
    Next, pull the carb and remove the top. It will often have a bunch of sediment in the bottom of the float bowls (not good). Clean this out and using an air gun, blow out the main jets and other passages. If there is a filter near the fuel pump, replace it.
    You can also run a hose from a gas can with clean, fresh gas to the inlet of the pump. This bypasses the tank, lines and whatever is in the tank. Try starting it from the gas can. Remember that it will need some choke when first fired. These aren't fuel injected! Smile

    Thanks rebar!

    Oh, and Ruth 66, it's funny you chose that name. There was a morning radio show in San Diego that had one person (the traffic reporter) that had that name. Here is a stupid bit they did. I show this one because of the pictures...

    Another guy from europe Expvw03

    Number of posts : 10
    Location : Germany
    Registration date : 2011-06-18

    Another guy from europe Empty Re: Another guy from europe

    Post by Ruth-66 Fri Jan 11, 2013 3:05 pm

    Thank you very much for the help.
    I forgot to tell you about the new fuel pump and the hose. The filter is the next part for me to change.
    I think i have to open the carb next to see whats inside Very Happy
    Maybe i have to clean the gas tank too.

    Is there a realy good carb that i could buy new at summit or jegs or.....?
    The screws and everithing looks worn on my carb, and somebody painted it over...

    Thank you for the "why ruth why". Its a nice sign with ruth-66 on it.

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