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    Bullwinkle Econoline Roadtrip


    Number of posts : 1048
    Location : San Diego, CA
    Age : 63
    Registration date : 2008-05-16

    Bullwinkle Econoline Roadtrip Empty Bullwinkle Econoline Roadtrip

    Post by VANagain Sat Mar 26, 2022 1:31 pm

    This is a funny story, if you haven't heard it yet:

    In 1962, Jay Ward, the creator of Rocky and Bullwinkle show, bought an island in Minnesota, named it Moosylvania, and conducted a cross-country tour to petition it for statehood. Jay gave artist Sam Clayberger a blank check to go buy a Ford Econoline van and decorate it for the cross-country tour.

    Moosylvania and the campaign for the 52nd state

    Watch a re-telling of the infamous "refused at gunpoint" incident at the White House in 1962
    Of Moose and Men: The Rocky & Bullwinkle Story (1990) Moosylvania and the campaign for the 52nd state Video - 47:51

    The whole story:
    The Campaign for Moosylvania Statehood

    Bullwinkle Econoline Roadtrip IIM2lEM

    gmytych and jrdunn96 like this post


    Number of posts : 194
    Location : Amherst, MA
    Registration date : 2014-04-22

    Bullwinkle Econoline Roadtrip Empty Re: Bullwinkle Econoline Roadtrip

    Post by chrlsful Sun Apr 03, 2022 4:00 pm

    I did not realize back then the Beat involvement, politics, cultural wars and all the connections w/writers and all the artists'n producers outside the studio. Yrs later I relished in the details as I wuz justa kid then (born in '52).

    I hope to find some of this in ur links and even if not thank U for more abt them (esp Mr Peabody'n Sherman).

      Current date/time is Mon Dec 09, 2024 3:57 pm