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9 posters

    Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA


    Number of posts : 18
    Location : Wiesbaden, Germany
    Registration date : 2018-02-17

    Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA Empty Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA

    Post by kai-by-vecona Sun Feb 18, 2018 11:17 am

    Hi Everybody,

    my name is Kai and I'm from Germany. I turned 50 this year and fullfiled a dream travelling around the States in July for 7 weeks.

    I already bought an '69 A108 which the previous owner help me to get everything working fine until I arrive in July to have the best chances for the trip.

    I don't won't hear anything that it's nuts to buy a car just from three pictures and a phone call but I already did it twice and it wored fine so here's my third try :-)

    I start 8th of July in Virgina, down to Charleston, Savannah, New Orleans, Dallas, El Paso, Phoenix, LA, San Francisco, Portland, Chicago, Boston and finally New York. Many Miles for seven weeks.... but if it works it will be fine, if not, it was worth a try.

    During the trip I will meet friends, buy parts for my other cars which are hard to find here in Germany (a 42 Dodge Coupe and a 55 DeSoto) and like to meet new people.

    So, if anyone lives nearby my route, wants to meet or knows any good yunkards for parts I would be glad to receive an answer.

    I'm also interested if anyone could tell me if there are week points at the A108 which I should keep an I one. I'll buy all neccessarx small parts for iginition, cooling, electric, fluids and lots of tape, glue and clamps in advance but it would be great to know most known upcoming things that could happen... cause I will make it on his wheells not on an AAA hauler.

    Thanks and I hope to meet some of you soon


    Number of posts : 692
    Location : Cashion, OK
    Age : 63
    Registration date : 2016-01-01

    Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA Empty Re: Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA

    Post by jrdunn96 Sun Feb 18, 2018 12:29 pm

    Welcome Kai! It sounds like an excellent adventure. It'll be great to have you visit the U.S. I'm sorry to say that I live off your route(about 240 miles North of Dallas).

    Number of posts : 14778
    Location : Ashburnham, MA
    Age : 65
    Registration date : 2012-09-22

    Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA Empty Re: Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA

    Post by vanny Sun Feb 18, 2018 1:28 pm

    Welcome Kai, that sounds like a trip to remember!!! Great way to celebrate turning 50! Sounds like you have a nice collection of vehicles. Please keep us posted and post pictures, we'd love to see and hear about your adventure. It's neat to see that American cars are popular overseas as well as here in the USA. I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip as it gets nearer! Very Happy cheers

    “The future will soon be a thing of the past."

    Number of posts : 18
    Location : Wiesbaden, Germany
    Registration date : 2018-02-17

    Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA Empty Re: Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA

    Post by kai-by-vecona Sun Feb 18, 2018 1:55 pm

    Hello Jim,

    I visit a friend (also a Jim :-) in Arp, Texas who sold me the 42 Dodge in 2012. I try to stay there some days so we never know... it all depends how fast I'm on my way and how often I have to make repair breaks :-) We stay in touch :-)

    Hi Vanny,

    of course here are lots of fans of American Cars. The Desoto is still a project and I bought a 392 Hemi in Redding CA, that's also a reason in buying a A108 'cause I have to pick up the engine there.

    Of course I'm going to document the trip and hope to get some greats pics from all the great places of the US

    Best wishes


    Number of posts : 451
    Location : Germany, Nds
    Registration date : 2016-10-18

    Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA Empty Re: Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA

    Post by 69 Sun Feb 18, 2018 2:30 pm

    That's some great idea. Have to take care of that special day next year...

    Hope to see some nice pics and stories.

    If you're in need of help - let these guys here on vintage-vans know. I have not found a nicer community, yet Smile. Extremely helpful friends around.

    Will you stop by in Herten in August (Mopar Nats in Germany)?

    Number of posts : 1569
    Location : Lake Oroville, Ca.
    Registration date : 2015-11-19

    Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA Empty Re: Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA

    Post by OutofSight Sun Feb 18, 2018 2:35 pm

    Welcome aboard and enjoy the adventure!

    Number of posts : 18
    Location : Wiesbaden, Germany
    Registration date : 2018-02-17

    Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA Empty Re: Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA

    Post by kai-by-vecona Sun Feb 18, 2018 4:12 pm

    Thanks 69 and OutofSight!

    Great to see, that are also some guys from Germany. Think I can't join Herten because I will be still in the States unti end of August, but maybe next year with the A108 :-)


    Number of posts : 205
    Location : El Cajon, Ca
    Registration date : 2009-05-04

    Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA Empty Re: Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA

    Post by mattimuss Tue Feb 20, 2018 7:22 am

    Hello Kai,

    If you find that you are going to be in the San Diego area let me know. I'm here if you need any help. I can PM you my contact info.

    Number of posts : 18
    Location : Wiesbaden, Germany
    Registration date : 2018-02-17

    Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA Empty Re: Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA

    Post by kai-by-vecona Tue Feb 20, 2018 9:34 am

    Hello Matt,

    it's a little south and I don't know if I find the time but who never knows. Would be glad if we could meet. If you could leave me your contact data, that would be fine...

    Thanks and best wishes


    Number of posts : 31
    Location : Turlock, CA
    Age : 44
    Registration date : 2017-05-09

    Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA Empty Re: Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA

    Post by apedave Sat Feb 24, 2018 7:11 pm

    What route are you taking between LA and San Fransisco? If you are coming up the 99 through the Central Valley, I would gladly buy you lunch in exchange for stories of your trip!


    Number of posts : 18
    Location : Wiesbaden, Germany
    Registration date : 2018-02-17

    Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA Empty Re: Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA

    Post by kai-by-vecona Sun Feb 25, 2018 4:06 am

    Hello Dave,

    we have noch special plan. We just look where the road leads us to. It would be a pleasure to meet you and I hope I have some good stories to tell until then :-)
    When I fly to the States I will get an US Mobile phone. As soon as I have a number I send you an PM s we could get in contact. I think I will be in your areay about beginning of August.
    I'm really looking forward to meet you :-)



    Number of posts : 1
    Location : anderson, sc
    Registration date : 2019-03-14

    Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA Empty Re: Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA

    Post by 63swampfox Thu Mar 21, 2019 6:19 pm

    Hello Kai. Please remember it gets very hot in eastern California in July. The a100 I owned would not be able to handle that kind of heat, because it ran hot anyways. So, be sure the van cools well. Mine did not, and would overheat on really hot days.

    Number of posts : 18
    Location : Wiesbaden, Germany
    Registration date : 2018-02-17

    Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA Empty Re: Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA

    Post by kai-by-vecona Fri Mar 22, 2019 2:28 am

    Hi, the trip was last year and unfortunately, the Van didn't make it. The guy I bought it from some month before knew I would make that trip and he told me to have the Van checked before I arrive. He also told me the Van runs fine, but he forgot to mention, that the Van ran before he parked it 15 years ago. He also brought the van to a shop to check all the stuff three days befor I arrive ... that was crazy.
    So I did the trip with a Toyota SUV with air condition and all the stuff but latest when I was in Mojave dessert I was sure neither the van nor us would have surived that trip.
    After 7 weeks and 12000 miles when I returned I packed the van with all the stuff I bought during the trip and have it shipped here and now I'm going to restore it here... :-)

    Number of posts : 14778
    Location : Ashburnham, MA
    Age : 65
    Registration date : 2012-09-22

    Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA Empty Re: Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA

    Post by vanny Fri Mar 22, 2019 3:46 am

    Sorry to hear that Kai. That was not very cool of him to wait until the last minute like that.

    I hope your project goes well for you! We would definitely love to see some progress picks of your van.
    Good luck and please keep us posted. Very Happy

    “The future will soon be a thing of the past."

    Number of posts : 18
    Location : Wiesbaden, Germany
    Registration date : 2018-02-17

    Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA Empty Re: Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA

    Post by kai-by-vecona Fri Mar 22, 2019 4:06 am

    I'm sure we stay in touch... need lot's of parts and tipps to finish the project :-)

    If somebody ist interested in the whole trip:

    It's in German but automatically translated in different languages (could sound wired sometimes :-)

    There's also a page about my other stuff and the progress of the van.
    Have fun


    Number of posts : 14778
    Location : Ashburnham, MA
    Age : 65
    Registration date : 2012-09-22

    Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA Empty Re: Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA

    Post by vanny Fri Mar 22, 2019 5:39 am

    Wow, what a road trip! You've seen more of the USA than I have in one trip...I especially like all the junkyard pictures. Looks like you had a Fantastic Family trip to remember. Your van looks like a Great project and I can't wait to see what you do with it. When I have more time, I will look through your other project vehicles. cheers cheers cheers

    “The future will soon be a thing of the past."

    Number of posts : 86
    Location : wichita ,ks
    Registration date : 2017-04-28

    Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA Empty Re: Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA

    Post by lear0 Sat Mar 23, 2019 7:34 pm

    looking at your pics,looks like you have trans problems,i will be pulling a 3 speed here in a couple weeks if you need one

    Number of posts : 18
    Location : Wiesbaden, Germany
    Registration date : 2018-02-17

    Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA Empty Re: Dodge A108 Roadtrip USA

    Post by kai-by-vecona Sun Mar 24, 2019 5:31 am

    Yes... it is. The first gear is totally destroyed and the metall is everywhere and killed everything made of bronze. But I found already everything to rebuild one.... so thanks a lot! I keep that in mind if it wouldn't work afterwards...


    there's a small mystery, maybe anyone could help.

    The ID Tag says it's a 745. Also the housing looks like a 745 but the bolts in the shifting linking which should indikate the type of transmission (horizontal or vertical) says its a 933. Also it has no drain plug... Has anyone seen that before?

    Hope to assemble all the stuff next week so I can make a check more on my never ending list of things to rebuild :-)

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