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3 posters

    Need some sheet metal


    Number of posts : 32
    Location : North Bend, Oregon
    Registration date : 2014-03-10

    Need some sheet metal Empty Need some sheet metal

    Post by tdc Sun Jul 27, 2014 3:08 am

    Depending on what it cost, I'm probably a month or so out from actually being able to afford to buy any bits for the van, but I'd like to start looking around for what I need to get an idea of what kind of money I need to scrounge up.

    I think the main bits that I need are the A pillars. Mine are gone at the bottom of the windshield where the lower seam is.
    Need some sheet metal Img_2010

    Need some sheet metal Img_2011

    I also need the driver door.

    What should I expect to pay for these van chunks? I live pretty out in the sticks on the Oregon coast and don't expect to ever run across a nice, rust-free donor in any of our local junk yards, so I'll probably have to get them from someone online.

    Number of posts : 14778
    Location : Ashburnham, MA
    Age : 65
    Registration date : 2012-09-22

    Need some sheet metal Empty Re: Need some sheet metal

    Post by vanny Sun Jul 27, 2014 3:17 am

    I'm not sure of the prices but when you get close, you could post in the A parts wanted section. In the meantime, you could do a search online to see what they're going for

    “The future will soon be a thing of the past."

    Number of posts : 3794
    Location : United States Six Lakes MI
    Registration date : 2008-05-17

    Need some sheet metal Empty Re: Need some sheet metal

    Post by Digz Sun Jul 27, 2014 5:57 am

    Don't be so sure of not finding something close. It is quite surprising what can turn up local sometimes for a couple hundred bucks. Get the word out locally and watch CL ads. Once you own one of these you become an Early magnet sometimes. Not that I'm looking, but I got lines on 2 early rigs at a car show yesterday. No Dodges tho. There are also some guys in the southern CA area that scrounge the yards there for parts. Broaden your contacts on this forum and even FB.

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    Need some sheet metal Empty Re: Need some sheet metal

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