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    2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014

    Chevy Guru

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    2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014 Empty 2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014

    Post by m1dadio Sun May 04, 2014 9:56 pm

    I have just spent about 100 hours over the past three weeks researching availible products for correct 2nd gen leaf spring eye and shackle bushings replacement.

    Here is what I found.
    The 2nd gen leaf spring is a variable width spring that widens towards the ends to becomes 3" wide and  fit into a 3.5" wide spring pearch at the eye end. the frame shackle mount is 3" wide by 1.125" Dia for both front and rear springs.

    The front and rear eye bushings are different in that the front spring bushing is 1.138 OD to fit the spring and the rear is 1.505 OD to fit the rear spring eye. They both have 3.051" long  outer shell to fit the spring and a 3.5" long  inner shell to fit the frame mount and both have a.514 ID shell to use a 1/2" bolt 5" long.
    These eye bushings are availible as "rare Parts" (RPC) through NAPA the
    front is RPC35976
    rear is RPC36140
    your NAPA may have stock, and they get them from RareParts|CHEVROLET&imodel=0219|G10%20VAN&iproduct=0040|SUSPENSION,%20SPRINGS%20&%20COMPONENTS

    However rare parts reports the 36140 rear bushing is not availible so as an alternative you can use the front spring eye bushing from a 1968 K10 (4X4) which is almost an exact replacement except it takes a 9/16" bolt so you can either drill the van mount up to take the 9/16 bolt or put a 3.5"long sleeve into the bushing to reduce the ID to fit your 1/2" bolt.(see prothane kit below)
    This alternate bushing is
    RareParts CL113271
    NAPA MRC B320
    MOOG SB320  RB98

    The shackle and bushings are availible complete or individualy for the 67 to 70 G van.
    (front and rear  spring shackles are the same)

    If you need a complete shackle they are the same as used on the front spring of a 4X4 of those same years. 1968 K10 or K20 PU or Suburban or pannel.
    The complete shackle part number is;
    CS 386
    GM 6272088
    SDtruckspring MCS1018
    the parts from this shackle are not interchangable with the stock van shackle as this shackle uses a 3/4" shank bolt (not the 9/16") and uses a HB996 (harris bushing) also  availible at.

    If you just want bushings to rebuilt your 2nd gen shackles you can use the rear upper frame shackle bushings from a 56-57 BelAir.
    NAPA NCP2748700
    Harris Bushing HB99
    However these BelAir bushings have a 5/8" ID and you will need to make/use a sleeve to reduce the ID from 5/8 to 9/16 for use with the original van shackle. (copper pipe or whatever)
    Or Prothane has a kit which is actually for the upper frame shackle bushings of the front spring on any 67 tp 70 GM 4X4 truck.
    also found as  part number
    These prothane bushings used without the included sleeve are an exact fit to the original van shackle bushings. ( that sleeve is what you need to make the alternate rear eye bushing named above reduce from a 9/16 to a 1/2" ID)
    Prothane also has replacement shock mount bushings.
    I did not find any "Energysuspension" bushings that fit the 2nd gen shackles .
    Don't confuse "EnergySuspension" with "", not the same company.

    hope this helps

    Last edited by m1dadio on Mon May 05, 2014 1:32 am; edited 2 times in total

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    2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014 Empty Re: 2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014

    Post by vanny Sun May 04, 2014 10:31 pm

    Wow, I'd say that deserves a well earned At-A-Boy M1!!!
    Very useful info for those looking for these parts...

    This is the reason that this site is so Great. Vanners helping other vanners! 2 Thumbs way up, M1!!!

    “The future will soon be a thing of the past."

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    2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014 Empty Re: 2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014

    Post by ncbkr2002 Sun Jan 04, 2015 4:30 pm

    are the front leaf spring bushings (front/front and front/rear) the same as the rear leaf spring bushings (rear/front and rear/rear) ? in other words are the rear/front rear leaf spring bushings the excat same as the front/front front leaf spring bushings ..... and the same for rear/rear rear spring bushings and front/rear spring bushings ??? not 100% sure. thanks Paul

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    2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014 Empty Re: 2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014

    Post by ncbkr2002 Mon Jan 05, 2015 8:19 pm

    anybody ???
    Chevy Guru

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    2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014 Empty Re: 2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014

    Post by m1dadio Mon Jan 05, 2015 9:32 pm

    ncbkr2002 wrote:are the front leaf spring bushings (front/front and front/rear) the same as the rear leaf spring bushings (rear/front and rear/rear) ? in other words are the rear/front rear leaf spring bushings the excat same as the front/front front leaf spring bushings ..... and the same for rear/rear rear spring bushings and front/rear spring bushings ??? not 100% sure. thanks Paul

    If you read the post #1 (especialy paragraph3) all your answers are there.

    But to answer your questions as asked:  (No/yes) and (No/yes)  "in other words" yes/no/yes/no but yes/yes/yes.

    I hope that clears it all up 100%.

    I kill me!

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    2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014 Empty Re: 2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014

    Post by ncbkr2002 Mon Jan 05, 2015 9:39 pm

    not really

    Number of posts : 140
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    2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014 Empty Re: 2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014

    Post by ncbkr2002 Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:15 pm gen leaf spring bushings 2014 Leaf_s14

    hole A = part number
    hole B = part number
    shackle = part number

    hole A = part number
    hole B = part number
    shackle = part number

    this might explain excatly what im looking for and might actualy help others out also .... thanks
    Chevy Guru

    Number of posts : 1778
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    2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014 Empty Re: 2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014

    Post by m1dadio Tue Jan 06, 2015 1:52 am

    On these vans the front of the spring is the "eye bushing" and the rear is the "shakle bushing"
    For both front and rear springs

    All of the bushing part numbers that are availible for the 2nd gen van and the other  numbers those same parts come under are listed in post#1 at the top of this thread.

    there are no numbers listed above for the 1st gen van. I think Donivan has posted a good listing of 1st gen bushings if that is what you are looking for.


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    2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014 Empty Re: 2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014

    Post by donivan65 Tue Jan 06, 2015 3:53 am

    Well,,,,,,once upon a time, I did spend about an hour looking up 2nd Gen bushing part numbers ,,,,,and here is what I got,,,,,,instead of the metal cartridges, I found  the polyurethane ones,,,,you get an extra sleeve to cut up and add to the 3" ones to make it 3 5/8" so the bushings fit right,,,,,and you buy 4 packs of the HB 930 bushings for the shackles......

    2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014 North_11

    2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014 Hb_93010
    Chevy Guru

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    2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014 Empty Re: 2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014

    Post by m1dadio Tue Jan 06, 2015 10:00 am

    Good options Donivan: the original type eye bushings are getting almost impossible to find. I suspect it won't be long untill the stock is expired and they become no longer availible.


    Number of posts : 12254
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    2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014 Empty Re: 2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014

    Post by donivan65 Tue Jan 06, 2015 12:10 pm

    2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014 Spring12

    Number of posts : 424
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    2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014 Empty Re: 2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014

    Post by veefre Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:01 am

    I replaced my front spring bushings and shackles last spring and all the stuff was available on line. I went with the stock stuff - no fancy urethane bushings for me, lol. I anyone is interested I can get the part numbers and the name of the place I got them from. I think I already posted them on this forum but perhaps it's scrolled off.

    I also replaced the shackles and thru bolts for the rear of the springs. The replacement shackles are about 1/4" shorter than the ones that were on there, but it doesn't seem to affect much.

    The whole exercise was intended to reduce the squeaking and groaning that the suspension was making. Replacing all the bushings may have helped a little, but in the final analysis it appears that shoving some thin black polyethylene plastic between the leaves of the front springs did the most to quiet them down. For some reason just spreading the leaves apart and putting in the plastic was sufficient to keep them in place, and they seem to wear ok. Of course I jacked up the front axle so the wheels were hanging and the springs fully extended. That made spreading them even further with a pry bar and inserting the plastic pretty simple. I cut the plastic long enough that it sits flush against the eye of the spring, which I think helps keep it in place. I'll know more after I put more mies on the van and check the plastic inserts. But the last time I checked they seemed to be fine.

    If necessary I'll add some zipties as well ;-).

    Number of posts : 424
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    2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014 Empty Re: 2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014

    Post by veefre Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:29 am

    OK, I found my box o parts for the front spring bushing work. Mind you, this is all for the front springs only, but it appears to me that the shackle bushings would also work on the rear springs.

    For the front of the front springs, you have the eye bushing. Stock, this is a cartridge which is what I got to replace them. The rear of the front springs is a shackles assembly, with two rubber bushings that ride on a thru bolt going through the shackle ends and the eye of the spring.

    As I recall, I got all of the following from SD Springs (

    Front cartridge number: Dayton Parts RB-99. This is an EXACT fit for the front eye.

    Rear shackle rubber bushings: Dayton Parts HB-930.

    Rear shackle kit: Automann MCS 1018.

    From their Order Confirmation email (apparently from July 2013)

    1 x RB-99 Rubber Leaf Spring Bushings - Pack Of 4 (RB-99) $53.95
    4 x HB-930 Harris Bushings - Pack of 4 (HB-930) $23.80
    2 x 1967-1969 Chevy / GMC K10/K20 Pickup, Blazer, Jimmy, Suburban 4wd, 65-70 G10, G20 2wd - Rear of Front Shackle Kit (MCS1018) $39.90

    Number of posts : 424
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    2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014 Empty Re: 2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014

    Post by veefre Wed Aug 26, 2015 4:26 pm

    Note: I've since found that the shackle kit in the previous message is not the right fit. The shoulder bolts are too short (shoulders not long enough) and the shackles themselves have the bolt holes about 1/4"closer than they should be. The result is squashed ends of bushings as well as the spring eye hitting the frame at full compression. I put the original shackles and bolts (with new bushings) back in and that corrected the problem. Sorry if this misled anybody.

    Number of posts : 424
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    2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014 Empty Re: 2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014

    Post by veefre Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:10 pm

    Careful with the MCS shackle kit. On my 2nd gen, front end shackles, I tried the MSC 1018 kit. It had the following issues: bolt shoulders about 1/4" too short. This resulted in squished ends of the rubber bushings, as well as improper torque setting (the bolts kept on getting loose, but that was when I was using standard nuts and lock washers, instead of the special interference fit lock nuts that come with the van). The other problem was that the shackles themselves are about 1/4" shorter than stock (or at least the shackles that were on my front suspension) and this resulted in the rear eye of the front spring hitting the frame at full compression. Not good! I wound up putting the "original" shackles back in, as well as new lock nuts, and all has been well with that.

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    2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014 Empty Re: 2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014

    Post by mecnicman Sun Feb 28, 2021 11:14 pm

    Does anyone know the brand of the polyurethane bushings Donivan is referencing? I cant seem to find them. Also has anyone else had problems with the MCS1018 Shackle kit besides veefre?

    Number of posts : 12254
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    2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014 Empty Re: 2nd gen leaf spring bushings 2014

    Post by donivan65 Mon Mar 01, 2021 2:23 pm

    The brand is Energy Suspension,,,,,,,this will get you started,,,,,

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