I am new to Vans but have always had a love for them, especially the old ones!
I am looking at (possibly) buying a 1967 GMC Handi-Bus Custom that I found at a local custom shop. As I am a veteran of many (too many!) years of Jeeps, I was wondering if there were any "MUSTs" to look for or look out for when going over a GMC Van -- besides the obvious body, motor, interior inspections, and the likes. For instance, Jeeps had monster problems with fuel delivery issues and frame rust where the fuel tank was bolted; info like that I am looking for.
So far, I love this site: great info and the community seems pretty professional and laid back (not like some of my Jeepers, unfortunately). Speaking of Jeeps, I have only owned Jeep GrandWagoneers, and after this last one, I am ready to move on to a new genre o' cool wheels. I put over 40K into costuming the Jeep and as soon as I sell it (fingers crossed) I want to look at the Handi-Bus.
So, any suggestions on what to look for/look out for? I will probably do a minor custom job on it, if I buy it. And I will post pics as soon as I figure out how (not too tech-savvy here!).
Cheers all!
btw, anyone know if I can fit an AMC 401 motor (565BHP / 892 torques!) into a GMC Handi-Bus? lol!!