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    Tore apart my "new" seats. What now?


    Tore apart my "new" seats. What now? Empty Tore apart my "new" seats. What now?

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:39 pm

    Tore apart my "new" seats. What now? Img_2010

    So I recently got these seats. I have all the original upholstery and padding to use as patterns for recovering. I'm confident I can get it done fairly well. Just looking for any advice that might make it easier on me.

    I was considering tying the springs together with wire to help stiffen them up a little bit. This is often done in furniture and on mattresses to help spread the load between springs. Any thoughts on this?

    I'm going the check into getting these sandblasted, but the budget for this is tight so they might just get powerwashed with some clr.


    Number of posts : 3046
    Location : Chino Valley
    Registration date : 2010-01-21

    Tore apart my "new" seats. What now? Empty Re: Tore apart my "new" seats. What now?

    Post by RodStRace Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:58 am

    Legendary has new covers in the correct pattern and new foam. Be prepared, they are not cheap!
    As for tying the springs together, I'd consult a local upholstery shop.
    You will need a strong sewing machine, piping, material, hog rings and pliers, and a source of steam for fitting.
    I'm sure there are how-tos on you tube to guide you.
    Best wishes and show us how it goes!
    Econoline Guru

    Number of posts : 1747
    Location : Jackson TN
    Registration date : 2010-04-18

    Tore apart my "new" seats. What now? Empty Re: Tore apart my "new" seats. What now?

    Post by econopoor Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:33 pm

    I highly recomend you talk to Fred Carello. He knows Econolines and does incredible interior work. His prices are reasonable. He can make covers and send them to you for you to install or you can send your seats to him. He's definitely my choice in interiors.

    Tore apart my "new" seats. What now? DSC06128

    Freds Photobucket albums.

    Fred is a member here (fmc56) and you can send him a PM through this site.

    Duane in Tennessee

    Number of posts : 2214
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    Tore apart my "new" seats. What now? Empty Re: Tore apart my "new" seats. What now?

    Post by Nightmoves Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:19 pm

    I have seen Econopoor's interior in his p/u Fred did.Check out his Gallery.(up top)Awesome work.

    Tore apart my "new" seats. What now? Empty Re: Tore apart my "new" seats. What now?

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 18, 2012 7:11 am

    I've seen Fred's work. I'll have to double check prices but I doubt its in the budget. Just picked up a new engine and have a few other things that need to be done. Seats are only being done cause I found them and decided to jump on them since they were available.

    Number of posts : 6186
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    Tore apart my "new" seats. What now? Empty Re: Tore apart my "new" seats. What now?

    Post by Twinpilot001 Sun Mar 18, 2012 7:41 am

    Fred's the GUY!!

    Number of posts : 692
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    Tore apart my "new" seats. What now? Empty Re: Tore apart my "new" seats. What now?

    Post by Donn Sun Mar 18, 2012 5:49 pm

    Anyone have pictures of a pick up, 5 window, with finised interior?
    looking for ideas..tried freds link but did not see any.

    Number of posts : 2067
    Location : Saskatoon, SK, Canada
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    Tore apart my "new" seats. What now? Empty Re: Tore apart my "new" seats. What now?

    Post by sasktrini Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:05 pm

    econopoor wrote:
    Tore apart my "new" seats. What now? DSC06128

    Duane in Tennessee

    Gee Duane... is that your antique Saskatchewan plate? We could be brothers! Or maybe I might have to make you an offer to buy it from you! lol jk
    Econoline Guru

    Number of posts : 1747
    Location : Jackson TN
    Registration date : 2010-04-18

    Tore apart my "new" seats. What now? Empty Re: Tore apart my "new" seats. What now?

    Post by econopoor Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:13 pm

    Nope, That's Freds place. He has quite the collection of plates hanging in his shop. Here's Fred is his shop working on my headlinner. This is just a few of the ones in his shop. They are plasted all over the walls.

    Tore apart my "new" seats. What now? DSC09045-vi

    Duane in Tennessee.

    Number of posts : 92
    Location : Grand Haven, MI
    Registration date : 2008-09-22

    Tore apart my "new" seats. What now? Empty Cook 'em!

    Post by boroop Sat Mar 31, 2012 12:53 pm

    Here's what I did with mine.

    Get a large plastic container and add a tablespoon of Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda per gallon of water.

    Tore apart my "new" seats. What now? Van_se12

    My concoction took about 50 gallons of water to fill my container.

    Then you take a sacrificial piece of metal (finally a use for those old lawn mower blades!) and place it halfway into the mixture - mine is attached with rubberized clamps to keep them from sliding into the container. Next, attach the positive wire lead from a car battery charger to that piece of metal. And then hook up the negative lead to the seat frame (this can be completely submerged as it's just the negative lead Wink ).

    Tore apart my "new" seats. What now? Van_se10

    With all of this in place, set the battery charger to a 2 amp trickle charge and turn it on. I placed my charger on a power strip with it's own circuit breaker. That way if it did pop, it wouldn't take out my whole garage.

    Switch it on... and let it cook.

    This process will take a few days. After a couple days in the mixture you will start to see the rust magically bubbling off the frame and floating over to the sacrificial piece of metal. This process is called electrolysis and works remarkably well for the backyard mechanic. Very Happy

    Tore apart my "new" seats. What now? Van_se11

    My seats were about the same as yours when I started and each half of the seat took around five days to completely clear up. I removed the seats from the bath and used a leaf blower to dry them. Since my container was so small, I had to do the bottom seat portion first and then flip them and cook the backs.

    There's no problem with leaving the parts in the mixture for longer than needed. You can't over cook them! Once the rust comes off, the process stops.

    Once done, just dry them off, prime and paint. They'll look better than new.

    When you're done, be sure to keep the lawn mower blades. You can use an angle grinder to grind off the rust and use them again for the next rust removal project. Very Happy

    Number of posts : 2067
    Location : Saskatoon, SK, Canada
    Registration date : 2008-05-20

    Tore apart my "new" seats. What now? Empty Re: Tore apart my "new" seats. What now?

    Post by sasktrini Mon Apr 02, 2012 7:45 am

    I like it, boroop... thanks for that tip!

    Number of posts : 92
    Location : Grand Haven, MI
    Registration date : 2008-09-22

    Tore apart my "new" seats. What now? Empty Re: Tore apart my "new" seats. What now?

    Post by boroop Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:07 am

    sasktrini wrote:I like it, boroop... thanks for that tip!

    No problem. I found it on a motorcycle blog that I used to follow and found it on a hardware restoration site they followed. I saw their results with removing rust from an old wooden Stanley hand plane. you could hardly see the label when they started and it was perfect by the time they were done.

    I plan on buying a 250-275 gallon bulk food container (used in farming) that should be large enough for me to dunk the rear bench seats. I'll have to remember to take better pictures along the way and show the final results.

    I'm also planning on performing the sewing of my seats myself.

    I'm thinking of black over white. Something like this:

    Tore apart my "new" seats. What now? 684-062009HurstOldsmb11.slideshow_main.prod_affiliate.80

    or this:

    Tore apart my "new" seats. What now? Restomod-corvette-classic-car-5

    But it will only be black on the seat back, not on the bottom cushion. I'm wanting sort of a reversed picture frame look.

    With all straight stitches, I'm thinking it should be pretty easy to do myself. My materials were less than a hundred bucks so far for the four seats (driver/passenger and two stock benches)... but I am relying on scraps from work to supplement my costs.

    I found some excellent, electronics packing foam that was being discarded so I'm using that for the seat cushions and backs. Then I had to buy the material to recover the seats, which goes on sale at my local upholstery shop every October. Smile

    It's been fun so far. Hopefully I'll make some progress on this thing this Spring/Summer.

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