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    2nd gen seats into a 1st gen Q's

    Chevy Guru

    Number of posts : 1778
    Location : north saanich
    Registration date : 2008-10-06

    2nd gen seats into a 1st gen Q's Empty 2nd gen seats into a 1st gen Q's

    Post by m1dadio Sun Jul 04, 2010 5:59 pm

    Anyone installed 2nd gen seats into a 1st gen before?

    What parts do I need in terms of seat tracks and attachment to the wheel wells??

    I have the 2nd gen dog house which probobly dosn't align so I am expecting to custom there but does the 2nd gen seats fit at the wheel well side?


    Number of posts : 424
    Location : San Leandro, California
    Registration date : 2008-09-10

    2nd gen seats into a 1st gen Q's Empty Re: 2nd gen seats into a 1st gen Q's

    Post by veefre Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:25 pm

    Wish I could help you, but my 2nd gen van has aftermarket (Recaro) seats.

    I retrieved 1st gen seats from the junk yard, thinking I'd install them someday. But maybe not. The Recaros are supportive and comfy, if a tight squeeze. In any case, it looks like most of the 1st gen hardware will fit the 2nd gen van. The doghouse looks like it's only bigger on the 2nd gen at the bottom, to accomodate the V8 headers. It looks like up top it's the same dimension as the 1st gen. The inboard seat rail looks like it rests on the bulge on the doghouse on the 2nd gen. The outboard seat rail rests on the wheel well, which should be the same in both vans.

    You might need to fabricate a shelf on the side of the 1st gen doghouse to support the 2nd gen seat rails.

    Number of posts : 1533
    Location : Helendale, CA
    Age : 51
    Registration date : 2009-05-22

    2nd gen seats into a 1st gen Q's Empty Re: 2nd gen seats into a 1st gen Q's

    Post by kookykrispy Sun Jul 18, 2010 1:43 am

    I have a 2nd gen driver's seat in my '65. It was a direct bolt in.

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