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    VIN TAG LOCATION on 62 Econoline


    Number of posts : 63
    Location : Michigan
    Registration date : 2015-07-17

    VIN TAG LOCATION on 62 Econoline Empty VIN TAG LOCATION on 62 Econoline

    Post by Cuzz Thu Jun 07, 2018 2:24 pm

    Where is the VIN tag on a 62 Econoline Van? Or where can I match my Title too? Went to sell the Van and the buyer backed out because the VIN on the title didn't match the number on the door tag.. But the door tag says its a warranty tag and "not for title or registration purpose" so there must be another place where the actual VIN number is?

    Thanks a million for any help!!!!
    dennis wagner
    dennis wagner

    Number of posts : 65
    Location : North Palm Beach, Florida
    Age : 78
    Registration date : 2014-11-21

    VIN TAG LOCATION on 62 Econoline Empty VIN plate

    Post by dennis wagner Thu Jun 07, 2018 6:06 pm

    The VIN plate on that year is on the lower left A pillar.
    There is also a stamped VIN # inside the right rear.
    There should be a VIN # stamped in that short cross bracket/brace. This brace is inside directly behind right tail light. with a flash light, you will see it.
    Note; If not on that bracket, there is an identical bracket/brace on the left rear interior also behind rear tail light, just above the box that the filler neck is under.
    This will be the true VIN #, unless somebody went as far as o replace this bracket because somebody might have switched VIN plates.
    That VIN plate that says it is for warranty or whatever it says does have the correct VIN # and should match the title.
    Any questions, you can call me at 561 267 8493
    Dennis Wagner

    Number of posts : 692
    Location : Cashion, OK
    Age : 63
    Registration date : 2016-01-01

    VIN TAG LOCATION on 62 Econoline Empty Re: VIN TAG LOCATION on 62 Econoline

    Post by jrdunn96 Thu Jun 07, 2018 6:14 pm

    I suspect that your doors have been replaced as these tags used to match the vin.  Mine does, anyway.  I have heard of them being different places.  Mine is stamped into the flange on the floor that the dog house bolts to. (You have to remove the dog house  and clean the adhesive off it.)  It is also stamped into the brace inside the right rear corner near the tail light.  Mine is an Econoline Pickup, but I found about these locations from vanners.  I hope this helps.

    PS. Looks like Dennis beat me to it.

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    VIN TAG LOCATION on 62 Econoline Empty Re: VIN TAG LOCATION on 62 Econoline

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