kinda hard to do the swivel thing with a doghouse, but maybe a pivot that effectively makes the backrest the seat and vice versa...or a quick release and flip backwards? anyone done something like this?
3 posters
front seats that can face rearward
boogieman- Number of posts : 69
Location : New Mexico
Registration date : 2015-10-12
- Post n°1
front seats that can face rearward
Skulptorchaz- Number of posts : 326
Location : So. East Indiana
Registration date : 2015-05-08
Sounds like a fairly involved custom fabrication would be involved. You are right, they wouldn't spin well.
Digz- Number of posts : 3794
Location : United States Six Lakes MI
Registration date : 2008-05-17
I can flip mine forward and have never tried flipping them back. Copied the Dodge A100 set up where they are held in by 4 pins. Might not be good on a 1st gen DH but a 2nd gen might pull it off.