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    New aftermarket gauges and fuel sending unit


    Number of posts : 188
    Location : Crown Point Indiana
    Registration date : 2014-03-14

    New aftermarket gauges and fuel sending unit Empty New aftermarket gauges and fuel sending unit

    Post by cali2chitown Sun Apr 24, 2016 4:55 pm

    I'm ordering new aftermarket gauges and a new fuel sending unit from c&g this week. Do I still have to use the CVR behind the original gauges to step the voltage down to 5 volts or is there anything else solid state to step the 12volts down? As long as my new fuel gauge is 73-10 ohms I should be good to go shouldn't I?

    Number of posts : 12248
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    New aftermarket gauges and fuel sending unit Empty Re: New aftermarket gauges and fuel sending unit

    Post by donivan65 Sun Apr 24, 2016 7:33 pm

    That 73-10 ohms dont mean much if you get a new gauge and its matching sending unit,,,,as long as they talk the same language they will work,,,,,,as for the current limiter,,,,,are you getting stock 6 volt gauges or universal 12 volt ones,,,,,,

    Number of posts : 188
    Location : Crown Point Indiana
    Registration date : 2014-03-14

    New aftermarket gauges and fuel sending unit Empty Re: New aftermarket gauges and fuel sending unit

    Post by cali2chitown Sun Apr 24, 2016 10:03 pm

    Isn't the stock sending unit from macs, c&g etc 73-10ohm and 6vdc or you'll fry it? I have the original fuel tank so I was just going to buy the sender. I"ve looked at autometer and dolphin gauge sets and I thought they were all 12vdc. They also have many different resistance ratings for the fuel level gauge but i know it has to be whatever the sender rheostat resistance is doesn't it?

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