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2 posters

    autolite 1100


    Number of posts : 6
    Location : so cal
    Registration date : 2015-01-25

    autolite 1100 Empty autolite 1100

    Post by 981cz Mon Feb 29, 2016 7:00 pm

    need a new carb,rebuilt this one, cant adj mixture, only way I can keep it idling is fast
    and it surges, smells rich
    Seth G
    Seth G
    Vintage-Vans Listings Manager
    Vintage-Vans Listings Manager

    Number of posts : 2087
    Location : Anacortes, WA
    Age : 51
    Registration date : 2013-04-24

    autolite 1100 Empty Re: autolite 1100

    Post by Seth G Mon Feb 29, 2016 7:31 pm

    The throttle lever bore is probably shot. Go with a Holley 1946 made for 1100 replacement or one of the new Daytona universal carbs. What engine is in the van? What year? There may be better alternatives but they are more involved if you have a 'small log' head and/or a 170 with the 1/4" oil pump drive.

    Number of posts : 6
    Location : so cal
    Registration date : 2015-01-25

    autolite 1100 Empty Re: autolite 1100

    Post by 981cz Mon Feb 29, 2016 7:42 pm

    I have 66 pickup with a 170
    Seth G
    Seth G
    Vintage-Vans Listings Manager
    Vintage-Vans Listings Manager

    Number of posts : 2087
    Location : Anacortes, WA
    Age : 51
    Registration date : 2013-04-24

    autolite 1100 Empty Re: autolite 1100

    Post by Seth G Mon Feb 29, 2016 7:51 pm

    With a 66, you should have the 5/16" hex pump drive on the dist. Only way to know for sure is to pull it and check. Mark it's position in the bore and it's rotor position on the body and block before you pull it. If that's the case you should definitely upgrade to a Duraspark II ignition system and go with the Daytona carb. Simplest and best thing you'll ever do for that engine if it's worth the effort.

    autolite 1100 Empty Re: autolite 1100

    Post by Guest Fri Mar 25, 2016 2:10 am

    I also have a 170ci, with the stock (I guess) carb. Is there an alternative with an electric choke?
    Seth G
    Seth G
    Vintage-Vans Listings Manager
    Vintage-Vans Listings Manager

    Number of posts : 2087
    Location : Anacortes, WA
    Age : 51
    Registration date : 2013-04-24

    autolite 1100 Empty Re: autolite 1100

    Post by Seth G Fri Mar 25, 2016 12:53 pm

    There should be holley 1946 replacement carbs available with hot air chokes. Those can sometimes be fitted with electric replacements. Look for Holley 1946 carbs Falcons or Mustangs 64-67. They made different versions of these carbs so you have to get ones for Ford and for the proper year range, the replacement carb must have a spark control valve. And they changed the intake carb hole size in 69.

    What year is the van? What's the date code on the block and head? i.e. C6XX-XX-

    It will be aft of the carb on the log for the head and on the block, it should be aft of the fuel pump on the side of the block near the oil pan. Right in the middle there down low and aft

    autolite 1100 Empty Re: autolite 1100

    Post by Guest Sat Mar 26, 2016 7:37 am

    Help I don't know.. Embarassed is this an Autolite 1100?
    Didn't look for the numbers yet. It's a '65 though, should have all stock except for the Pertronix.

    autolite 1100 Img_6210
    autolite 1100 Img_6211
    Seth G
    Seth G
    Vintage-Vans Listings Manager
    Vintage-Vans Listings Manager

    Number of posts : 2087
    Location : Anacortes, WA
    Age : 51
    Registration date : 2013-04-24

    autolite 1100 Empty Re: autolite 1100

    Post by Seth G Sat Mar 26, 2016 9:53 am

    Yes that's an 1100. If the block is a 65 you should be able to upgrade to a DSII ignition system and go with the Daytona universal carb. It will still be manual choke though but a big improvement over stock between the carb and the ignition system. A direct swap would be an 1100 from a 67 or earlier 200 like from a Mustang w/a climatic auto choke. The exhaust manifold has a hole that goes through it that the choke tube sticks into for the climatic choke. The 1100 isn't and never has been a great carburetor.

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    autolite 1100 Empty Re: autolite 1100

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