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    autolite 1100 carb question


    autolite 1100 carb question Empty autolite 1100 carb question

    Post by Guest Mon May 21, 2012 7:54 pm

    i recently put a new accel pump in my 63 van with an autolite 1100 carb. i must have messed something up as now it only runs with choke on even when warm
    i may have put one of the balls in the wrong place or?
    also it was strange the original float height was around 1 1/2 inches and the spects call for 1 inch
    setting to either doesnt change the fact that i need to keep choke on to keep it running now
    any ideas

    Number of posts : 12254
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    autolite 1100 carb question Empty Re: autolite 1100 carb question

    Post by donivan65 Mon May 21, 2012 8:05 pm

    Do you have the RPM's set right, and then the mixture screw? Spray the inside and then the outside of the carburetor with carb cleaner and see if the engine runs better.....

    autolite 1100 carb question Empty Re: autolite 1100 carb question

    Post by Guest Mon May 21, 2012 11:05 pm

    thanks for the help
    no i havent been able to set the rpm because it will only stay running when held at a higher rpm with the choke on

    what will spraying carb cleaner on it tell me?


    Number of posts : 116
    Location : New Hampshire
    Registration date : 2010-10-14

    autolite 1100 carb question Empty Re: autolite 1100 carb question

    Post by MikeShums Tue May 22, 2012 5:59 am

    kengarchow wrote:
    what will spraying carb cleaner on it tell me?


    Whether the housing is leaking at the seams. I had one that the top housing was warped and no matter what I did, I could not get it to seal up.

    Number of posts : 12254
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    autolite 1100 carb question Empty Re: autolite 1100 carb question

    Post by donivan65 Tue May 22, 2012 6:32 am

    The real question is, did it have that problem before you worked on it or did you create the problem by working on it,,,,,spraying carb cleaner adds fuel to the engine,,,so if the carb has a vacuum leak, it is sucking air and the carb cleaner finds the leak. Is the base gasket tight and the right one,,,,,is the mixture screw out about 2 turns, just so it can run and you can adjust the idle speed, then the mixture?

    autolite 1100 carb question Empty Re: autolite 1100 carb question

    Post by Guest Tue May 22, 2012 6:51 am

    thanks for all the good information
    yes it was running pretty good other than a flat spot in it and no squirt from the accel pump, that is why i took it apart to replace it. in the process i must have messed up someting
    will try the carb cleaner today and take back apart and look to see if i have the correct check valves installed, i read you can tell from the size of the seats what balls go where


    Number of posts : 12254
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    autolite 1100 carb question Empty Re: autolite 1100 carb question

    Post by donivan65 Tue May 22, 2012 7:20 am

    ,,,so,,,,you are the problem,,,,,,,another thing is, maybe you have too much fuel for the engine to idle, so start it up, let it run until it dies, and look down the carb and see if there is a puddle of gas down in it,,,,,the float setting should probably be level looking,,did you remove the mixture screw when you worked on it? It has to be something you touched,,,,are all the vacuum hoses back on and not leaking? do you have that spark valve set up on the carb?

    autolite 1100 carb question Empty Re: autolite 1100 carb question

    Post by Guest Tue May 22, 2012 7:28 am

    yes i am the problem
    will look down the carb


    Number of posts : 12254
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    autolite 1100 carb question Empty Re: autolite 1100 carb question

    Post by donivan65 Tue May 22, 2012 7:42 am

    autolite 1100 carb question Autoli15

    Number of posts : 116
    Location : New Hampshire
    Registration date : 2010-10-14

    autolite 1100 carb question Empty Re: autolite 1100 carb question

    Post by MikeShums Tue May 22, 2012 7:50 am

    I've redone mine about four times and still not there yet. It idles crappy and the choke is not adjusted right - or is dead but under power it works good so I'm reasonably happy.

    Here are some good reads. Keep trying, keep reading.


    Number of posts : 141
    Location : Grafton Ohio
    Registration date : 2012-05-14

    autolite 1100 carb question Empty Re: autolite 1100 carb question

    Post by CraigK Tue May 22, 2012 10:32 am

    Be careful with the carb cleaner. I have seen engines catch fire because of an errant spart

    Number of posts : 2067
    Location : Saskatoon, SK, Canada
    Registration date : 2008-05-20

    autolite 1100 carb question Empty Re: autolite 1100 carb question

    Post by sasktrini Tue May 22, 2012 4:38 pm

    Finnicky buggars, these carbs! Good luck, Ken. I hope you figure it out.

    Number of posts : 12254
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    autolite 1100 carb question Empty Re: autolite 1100 carb question

    Post by donivan65 Tue May 22, 2012 5:31 pm

    MikeShums wrote:I've redone mine about four times and still not there yet. It idles crappy and the choke is not adjusted right - or is dead but under power it works good so I'm reasonably happy.

    Here are some good reads. Keep trying, keep reading.

    So while we are at it,,, is this also one of those fine Autolites? I take it has the automatic choke? if so, does the choke close all the way,,,open up a little to let the engine run,,,raise the idle up when cold,,,,come off when warm and idles down,,,,

    Number of posts : 116
    Location : New Hampshire
    Registration date : 2010-10-14

    autolite 1100 carb question Empty Re: autolite 1100 carb question

    Post by MikeShums Tue May 22, 2012 6:04 pm

    Yes. I think it's as much user error as anything. But that's what it is supposed to do.

    autolite 1100 carb question Empty Re: autolite 1100 carb question

    Post by Guest Wed May 23, 2012 8:33 pm

    well had the carb apart about 10 times now checking things
    cant figure out what i did wrong
    was running pretty good before i decided to fix the accel pump

    spraying carb cleaner in and around doesnt seem to make a big difference
    what makes it run the best is to leave the choke on and/or cover the carb some with your hand to act as a choke.

    cant get it to stay running at lower rpms so adjusting the mixture screw doesnt seem to change anything

    any other ideas?



    Number of posts : 12254
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    autolite 1100 carb question Empty Re: autolite 1100 carb question

    Post by donivan65 Wed May 23, 2012 9:35 pm

    That does not make much sense,,,,you can block off the air and it runs better but by adding more fuel down into the carb with carb cleaner it makes no difference,,,,,are you using carb cleaner,,,,do you just give it a small shot and see if the engine runs better and give it more if the engine speed does not get better,,,,,do you have that spark valve on it,,,,,is the distributor line disconnected?

    autolite 1100 carb question Empty Re: autolite 1100 carb question

    Post by Guest Wed May 23, 2012 10:00 pm


    thanks for hanging in there with me
    yes the spsrk valve is in, and the line is on and tight to the dist

    if i keep the choke pretty closed it runs, or as i back off the choke if i choke it down with my hand it runs better

    as i look down the carb when running i see fuel flowing
    i did pull the line to the dist off to feel the vac and there wasnt much suction at the carb

    i ran out of carb cleaner spraying it around but didnt notice much change spraying it anywhere


    Number of posts : 12254
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    autolite 1100 carb question Empty Re: autolite 1100 carb question

    Post by donivan65 Thu May 24, 2012 7:06 am

    You are probably drawing fuel out of the high speed circuit by choking it off,,,,so lets see why the idle circuit is not delivering fuel....take the carb off,,,take the mixture screw out,,,,spray carb cleaner into the hole,,,see if the spray comes out inside the carb, by the throttle plate,,,,block that hole INSIDE the carb,,,,spray more,,,see if spray comes out INSIDE bowl, out of the main jet,,,,,,did you remove EVERY thing you could get your hands on from that carb or just the pump,,,,check the gaskets,,spark valve,,,main jet and maybe the metering valve,,,it might have a spring on it also,,,,did you spray into ALL the holes AND blow them out with air to make sure nothing was blocking the passages?

    Number of posts : 12254
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    autolite 1100 carb question Empty Re: autolite 1100 carb question

    Post by donivan65 Thu May 24, 2012 7:11 am

    Did you put a new spark valve in it,,,is it an automatic choke system?

    Number of posts : 116
    Location : New Hampshire
    Registration date : 2010-10-14

    autolite 1100 carb question Empty Re: autolite 1100 carb question

    Post by MikeShums Thu May 24, 2012 7:13 am

    I remember from my tribulations with my 1100 that I had to pay very close attention to the metal balls and where they went and it was a function of automatic choke or manual trans or something. I really had to study the diagrams to ensure I had the right configuration. so many friggin parts.

    autolite 1100 carb question Empty Re: autolite 1100 carb question

    Post by Guest Thu May 24, 2012 7:31 am

    thanks, i think that is where my probelm started as when i dumped the fuel out i lost the original balls, but have really studied up on them and there placement, and think i have tried every possible combination shoit of leaving them out. kit did come with ome small ball that i havent used
    but i have measured the ports and dont think i have a small port in the carb

    autolite 1100 carb question Empty Re: autolite 1100 carb question

    Post by Guest Thu May 24, 2012 7:48 am

    i think yu are right about fuel comming out of hi speed circuit as i look around the choke and see fuel when its running
    i did have the mixture screw broken off in the carb and had to weld a nut on it to remove it, have a new one now. i will do that spray check on in the mixture hole and plug inside and look for spray in the main jet as you mention
    is the metering valve the tall one with the long spring? maual says not to take it apart.
    sad part is it was running fine other that no squirt from the acc pump other than a little flat spot even with a bd pump and stuck moxture screw

    Number of posts : 12254
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    autolite 1100 carb question Empty Re: autolite 1100 carb question

    Post by donivan65 Thu May 24, 2012 7:54 am

    We are looking for something that changed,,,,maybe without you even noticing it,,,,,now did you install a new mixture screw and NOW it won't idle or did you mess up the mixture passage REMOVING the old screw????

    autolite 1100 carb question Empty Re: autolite 1100 carb question

    Post by Guest Sun May 27, 2012 9:36 pm

    thanks all
    problem fixed, was a vac leak at the base of the carb, the new gasket was a little thinner and even though the nuts were tight, they were stopping on the shoulders of the studs coming out of the manifold before they tightened the carb down

    put the old thicker gasket back on and washers under the nuts and it ran great again
    using a new can of carb cleaner helped me locate the leak as it allowed me to tip the can up and point the spray better, had a vac leak all around the base of the carb just a little so the spray in one spot didnt make big change but did start to make me suspicious after reading the above posts

    THANKS to all for the help!!!

    autolite 1100 carb question Empty Re: autolite 1100 carb question

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 23, 2012 11:26 am

    Since im almost on the same problem im just gonna ask here.
    I bought a carb from ebay a while back ('bout a year ago) i finally got to it yesterday and noticed there are only 3 bbs on it. Is this right? I have seen the exploded views and some have 3 while some have 4. I have never tried the carb since it needs a good cleaning.

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