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3 posters

    Autolite 1100 carb


    Number of posts : 12
    Location : CA
    Registration date : 2011-09-29

    Autolite 1100 carb Empty Autolite 1100 carb

    Post by Bubba Wed Oct 12, 2011 4:19 pm

    My Autolite is done. I found somebody with a Motorcraft carb off of a 1965 Mustang with a 200ci, Will this carb work with my 170ci in my 1964 E van? And, does it matter if the 65 carb is off of a auto. or manual? Second question: Have you ever heard of the company "PONY CARBS"? Are they any good? Would you pay the $ to run one of these on your van? I'm confused...HELP! THANKS Shocked

    Number of posts : 648
    Location : San Antonio, TX
    Registration date : 2011-06-27

    Autolite 1100 carb Empty Re: Autolite 1100 carb

    Post by Rayallen Wed Oct 12, 2011 5:34 pm

    yes, it will work.

    I just got done rebuilding my motorcraft tonight and its back on my 200ci 65 motor. Mine came off of a 70 ford/mercury of some sort.

    Number of posts : 12
    Location : CA
    Registration date : 2011-09-29

    Autolite 1100 carb Empty Re: Autolite 1100 carb

    Post by Bubba Wed Oct 12, 2011 6:05 pm

    I read somewhere online that the manual and Auto carbs were different. This one I found is off of an auto...will this work on my manual. Or am I just reading crappy info. online?
    Sy Hollinshead
    Sy Hollinshead

    Number of posts : 466
    Location : Cambridgeshire, UK
    Registration date : 2008-10-11

    Autolite 1100 carb Empty Re: Autolite 1100 carb

    Post by Sy Hollinshead Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:15 pm

    Autos ares slightly different. They have a second fuel accelerator pump that squirts fuel in when you lift off the gas to prevent stalling with an automatic engine. This can be easily disabled by simply removing the screw.
    Also, it may have a spark control valve that connects to the distributor. Its a kind of vacuum advance that i think was mainly used on autos.

    Pony carbs are supposed to be very good, i'm thinking about buying one when funds allow. You can get some good info on the ford six/classic inlines website and forum.

    Autolite 1100 carb Empty Re: Autolite 1100 carb

    Post by Guest Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:28 am

    Pony Carbs are great. I have one. They are pricey but well worth the money

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