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    Air conditioning and heating a van????


    Number of posts : 326
    Location : So. East Indiana
    Registration date : 2015-05-08

    Air conditioning and heating a van???? Empty Air conditioning and heating a van????

    Post by Skulptorchaz Thu Feb 25, 2016 3:51 pm

    Hey guys,
    Well, I finally got my van. BOOOO-YA!!! Heck, and so soon!! I have only been wanting one since I was 16 (40 years ago) Smile
    I haven't actually got my hands on it yet but, the check was sent and a couple friends are going to drive 1300 miles out to Colorado to get it. (really good friends, I might add).
    Anyway, my plans for it are going to be multiple use but, the main one being using it to take friends (8 of us total, I hope) out to eat, car shows etc. My question is, what is the best way to heat and AC a van for such use.
    I'm going to be replacing the 194 - or whatever it is - with a fresh 292 I have on the stand. My guess is that I don't want to shove too much else down the motor hole. That leaves me with the idea of using a "wart" on top of the van. Not exactly overly appealing to the eye but, I think it might do the best job. Coleman has a Mach 8 that is only 8" tall and pretty sleek so that would probably be my best option up there. I would put on a bigger alternator and see if I can make the battery hole bigger and put two down there and an inverter somewhere.
    Now, this is just my thinking so far. I could be way off base here. If you have better ideas, I am all ears!!!!!!!!! I never profess to know it all but I can be rather creative. If "fabbing" is what you think would be a problem, no worries. I am a fabricator with a welding shop (30 years). I just have never done this before and am not looking to reinvent the mousetrap. (I also do metal sculpture you can see here - if you would be interested. There is also an HGTV video on there of me and my house which is quite unique for around here. And you can see I'm a "left over" from the '70's. geek )
    Thanks a bunch in advance!!! And I hope I can return favors to you all in the future!!!!
    Vintage-Vans Listings Manager
    Vintage-Vans Listings Manager

    Number of posts : 2015
    Location : Raleigh, NC
    Age : 64
    Registration date : 2011-01-16

    Air conditioning and heating a van???? Empty Re: Air conditioning and heating a van????

    Post by Barnabas Thu Feb 25, 2016 5:45 pm

    I think you would be better off running a compressor mechanically off the engine rather than putting in a giant alternator and inverter.  Have you calculated how big of an alternator you would need to run the Mach 8?  You might need a 300 amp or higher alternator.

    Here are some other ideas.

    Number of posts : 326
    Location : So. East Indiana
    Registration date : 2015-05-08

    Air conditioning and heating a van???? Empty Re: Air conditioning and heating a van????

    Post by Skulptorchaz Thu Feb 25, 2016 6:02 pm

    Hey Thanks Barnabas. I will look into them. I am just a little concerned about putting "another" accessory on the engine as opposed to just a larger one. But, there may be enough room, etc., I've just not been able to check it out yet.
    I put a Nostalgia in my '56 Chevy 210 and it went pretty well. With the van, I am more concerned about the people in the back.
    thanx a bunch!

    P.S. I just emailed all 4 as to which one would be best. We'll see what they come back with.
    Thanks again.

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    Air conditioning and heating a van???? Empty Re: Air conditioning and heating a van????

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