Hello All! I have been poking around on the site for a long time but my posts have been on vcvc. I have a problem that I am looking for help on and have not found the answer so far. I am looking to put the clutch pedal back in my 66 g10. It had an auto when I got it with no clurch pedal or any of the assembly. I have a pedal from a parts van that appears to be too long. It is common opinion so far that the clutch is the same on 1st and 2nd gens. I hope the pictures come through showing that the pedal is too short. I had some issues with the hosting picture thing.. The pedal that I have is 12-5/8" and you can see the white mark on the pedal showing the length that I need. 11-1/2" from the center of the shaft that goes throught the frame to the center of the shaft that goes through the floor. Any help/info/parts would be awesome. I am pretty close to cutting the pedal and welding the end on where I need it but I would rather not.
Cheers all!
Cheers all!