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    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search!


    Number of posts : 692
    Location : Long Island, New York
    Registration date : 2009-04-05

    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Empty Man,I am getting frustrated on my search!

    Post by Donn Sat Apr 11, 2009 5:57 pm

    I have bid on two vans on ebay in the last three weeks or so and have lost both by less then $200! I always wait till the last minute then bid. Maybe this is not such a good practice as I have run out of time on both... I check this board twice a day, have ebay emailing me on new auctions, check another clubs board, local craigslist, wish I could figure out how to check all craigslist with one search, if that is possible?
    My search is now for:
    Chevy '64 thru '70 with windows on rear doors only. Not sure if that is the right way to explain but no full window van.
    Ford '61 thru '69 Van or pick up
    Dodge pick up "not sure on the years they were produced"
    A good solid body truck, no rust would be great, would take minor rust. Running 6, 8, auto, 3spd all good.
    Very willing to buy a truck from anywhere in the states, would love one from a member who has the same crazy passion..
    Any leads you guys could pass on would be very much appreciated...

    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Empty Re: Man,I am getting frustrated on my search!

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 11, 2009 6:35 pm

    Took me almost 6 months to find mine, keep at it, the van will find you.

    Number of posts : 987
    Location : Central Arkansas
    Registration date : 2008-05-13

    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Empty Re: Man,I am getting frustrated on my search!

    Post by RipVanArkie Sat Apr 11, 2009 6:39 pm

    With ebay, I place a bid for the MOST I am willing to pay and walk away. If you don't win, go to the next one, there are plenty out there.


    Number of posts : 1605
    Location : Chicago, IL
    Registration date : 2008-07-03

    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Empty Re: Man,I am getting frustrated on my search!

    Post by itruns Sat Apr 11, 2009 7:08 pm

    Got mine off of Craigslist before I found any web site or group to help me. I was determined to get a very specific type of van and would sometimes search the web almost hourly. After a few months of looking I found a pair, sealed the deal and pushed, pulled and towed them home 15 months ago. I have only noticed a very few in the area since. It amazes me that I actually got what I was looking for.

    Fortunately, you have a very wide range of vans that would make you happy. Some may say "Patience is not a virtue, it is a waste of time", but it sounds like you're motivated enough to make it though this dry spell. I'm sure with a little patience and your determination, you and your van will find each other.

    Maybe someone will start a thread about Ebay. I heard there are sniper services out there that can out bid you at last possible moment. Another option is to contact the seller a few days after the auction's end to see if the deal possibly fell through.

    Number of posts : 2214
    Location : Old Hickory Tenn.
    Age : 64
    Registration date : 2008-11-17

    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Empty Re: Man,I am getting frustrated on my search!

    Post by Nightmoves Sat Apr 11, 2009 7:46 pm

    A lil help for you Donn. do a lil readin on it.
    Lot of times,theres more activity the last 15 min.,than the 5 days an add is on.Sometimes folks put waaay out there bids and as long as its higher than previous,they'll get it.
    Average Joe bidder knows he 'can' spend 2000.Joe Bob puts 3500.Joe Bob will get it for 2200 at last 5 seconds.I know that ain't fair...thats just the way it is. Ebay don't condone on it.From what i hear,they have interest in it.
    I collect old Zippo lighters.I was gettin tore up every time by this one guy,could'nt figure out why.A buddy of mine grinned,said you got 'snipped'.Then I learned.
    The 2nd gen i bought was on ebay,did'nt sell,I contacted seller right after auction.If they wanna sell it,most will work with you.
    But like Rip said...Know what you wanna pay,then walk away.I have caught myself getting "keyboard happy" on ebay and think later,why the hell did I do that?

    Number of posts : 1651
    Location : Anoka, MN
    Age : 54
    Registration date : 2008-05-20

    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Empty Re: Man,I am getting frustrated on my search!

    Post by Scott Sat Apr 11, 2009 7:50 pm

    You can pay a company to do the Snipe for you, but they don’t guarantee that you will get it.

    Number of posts : 692
    Location : Long Island, New York
    Registration date : 2009-04-05

    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Empty Re: Man,I am getting frustrated on my search!

    Post by Donn Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:09 pm

    I never heard of auto sniper before. I guess it really does not matter for me as I was on line for the end of both auctions. Just blew it by not bidding enough as a couple of guys said. I need to bid my top bid and let it go. Sometime's you kick yourself for missing a good clear truck. I think for guys like me in the rust belt "Long Island N.Y" it is a lot harder to find something nice then you lucky people in better areas.
    I do think that putting it out to you guys maybe someone will see or hear about a good clean truck , maybe have to many projects, and pass the lead on to me. I figure it can't hurt...
    Thanks for eveyone's input, I am learning more and more from the members here.

    Number of posts : 30743
    Location : Fowlerville, MI
    Age : 63
    Registration date : 2008-05-06

    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Empty Re: Man,I am getting frustrated on my search!

    Post by G-Man Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:13 pm

    I say instead of adding to your costs wait for the right one. Be sure its out there. I looked for a year before I found my 69 and the 64 fell in my lap.

    Number of posts : 626
    Location : long island new york
    Age : 62
    Registration date : 2008-11-10

    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Empty Re: Man,I am getting frustrated on my search!

    Post by mcfly Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:45 pm

    Donn, did you bid on that Ford in montana? I was hoping that was you.How about the one in Conn? Patience is key.I was getting qoutes to ship from the west coast before I found mine.They are starting to come out of their hiding places,I spotted one under a tarp in Melville a few weeks back.I am done looking so if I see or hear of any I will let you know.If my wife has her way there might be a rusty no-door for sale soon.

    As far as Ebay goes I don't understand why anyone bids before the last minute unless you are going to be away from the computer.All it does is drive up the price .If you really want something and not just trying to get lucky and get it cheap,Wait til the last 20 seconds and bid the Highest you are willing to spend.Sometimes you lose but most of the time you win.Just wait til the end and throw all your chips in.Stick to your first number ,it's easy to get caught up in it and over pay.And please take my advice do not Drink and bid at the same time!! Twice I did this And it cost me dearly.If only someone took the keyboard out of my hands.
    Hang in there

    Number of posts : 692
    Location : Long Island, New York
    Registration date : 2009-04-05

    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Empty Re: Man,I am getting frustrated on my search!

    Post by Donn Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:14 pm

    Yes I lost the one in Montana, that's the one that REALLY hurt. I called the one in CT asked for pictures but he never sent them and to be honest I was not that interested in it. He did a lot of custom body work and I am looking for as stock as possible. Yeah, I am going to change my ebay habits. I can tell you one thing I will not LOOSE the next one...
    Thanks for keeping an eye open

    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Empty Re: Man,I am getting frustrated on my search!

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:35 pm

    i may have a local running dodge pickup to post a pic of.. the guy said he'd let it go cheap. pix tomorrow!

    wait, pickup truck or van/truck?

    Number of posts : 90
    Location : south haven,mi
    Registration date : 2008-09-03

    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Empty frustrated

    Post by sonnygable Sun Apr 12, 2009 7:09 am

    id be willing to sell my daily driver-a 67 ford super can see it in the members section under sonny gables vans

    Number of posts : 692
    Location : Long Island, New York
    Registration date : 2009-04-05

    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Empty Re: Man,I am getting frustrated on my search!

    Post by Donn Sun Apr 12, 2009 9:05 am

    Yes I would appreciated it! I used to do a lot of bussiness in Denmark and have a good friend There, he lives in Copenhangen, Kurt Herdrickson.

    Yes I am interested and sent you a pm

    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Empty Re: Man,I am getting frustrated on my search!

    Post by Guest Sun Apr 12, 2009 8:38 pm

    i'm talking copenhagen... chewing tobacco! but i'll ride down and shoot some pictures tomorrow. i'm on a roll finding dodges lately!

    Number of posts : 2198
    Location : Ft Thomas,Ky
    Registration date : 2008-05-17

    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Empty Re: Man,I am getting frustrated on my search!

    Post by EconoUSAparts Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:53 am

    Donn, what kind of price range are you shopping in? Are you looking for a beater or a nice one? Stock or modified? Only 1st generation or would a 2nd gen interest you? I ve got a rust free 72 Dodge California van I ll be selling this year. Also got a sweet low mileage (23000 original) Corvair Corvan(no windows cargo) and a very,very nice 66 Falcon window van. All of these will be sold this year to fund other custom projects as time permits. Also have some other vehicles in mind as I get contacted all the time by people wanting or selling their rides.

    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Empty Re: Man,I am getting frustrated on my search!

    Post by Guest Mon Apr 13, 2009 1:33 pm

    a running beater for your consideration. i didn't find the owner poking around this time, but if you're interested, i can go back. i'm a pro door-knocking alley-creeping vehicle-spotting machine!
    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Img_1910Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Img_1810
    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Img_1911Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Img_1912

    Number of posts : 692
    Location : Long Island, New York
    Registration date : 2009-04-05

    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Empty Re: Man,I am getting frustrated on my search!

    Post by Donn Mon Apr 13, 2009 4:05 pm

    I am looking for :
    61-69 ford van
    ?-69 ford econoline pu
    64-69 Chevy
    Dodge pu van
    I would like the body to be almost rust free or close. Really only want windows on the back doors. On the right truck I would take windows on the side doors.
    6 or 8, manual or auto running. I am looking at $3000 at my top end to spend.
    Thank you very much for looking!!

    Number of posts : 30743
    Location : Fowlerville, MI
    Age : 63
    Registration date : 2008-05-06

    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Empty Re: Man,I am getting frustrated on my search!

    Post by G-Man Mon Apr 13, 2009 4:11 pm

    Donn check out that 69 chevy panel I just posted. Looks like a nice van

    Number of posts : 626
    Location : long island new york
    Age : 62
    Registration date : 2008-11-10

    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Empty Re: Man,I am getting frustrated on my search!

    Post by mcfly Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:28 pm

    Hey Donn,I know you don't want windows but check out that Ford club wagon in the for sale section.19,000 orginal miles no rust and right here on the Island.If I had the cash I might think long and hard on this one.


    Number of posts : 692
    Location : Long Island, New York
    Registration date : 2009-04-05

    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Empty Re: Man,I am getting frustrated on my search!

    Post by Donn Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:00 pm


    Yeah, it is pretty nice! I appreciate your looking out. I just can't get past the windows. I am working on another truck from one of the guys here on the site. Hopefully it will go through! i will let you know..

    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Empty Re: Man,I am getting frustrated on my search!

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 18, 2009 8:29 am

    To search all of craigslist at once, go to Google and do a search like "Chevy G-van craigslist" and you'll get every craigslist, usually listed in order of your own city first.

    Did you see this van I posted in my home town?

    It's not too far from you in New York, and I'd be happy to go check it out first if you like.

    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Empty Re: Man,I am getting frustrated on my search!

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 18, 2009 8:35 am

    For sniping on ebay auctions I always use Auction Sniper

    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Empty Re: Man,I am getting frustrated on my search!

    Post by Guest Thu Jun 04, 2009 7:43 pm

    You can also follow up with the seller and see if the auction winner actually paid up. And if the reserve was not met you've got room to move. I actually lost the bidding for the one I have now because I got suspicious about the other bidder being 'in cahoots' with the seller but I still wound up with the van due in part to the fact that the reserve was not met.

    One last thing: There is a way to search ALL of Craigslist which is very handy if you are looking for specific wheels:

    Good luck! Earlies are the sh*t!


    Number of posts : 199
    Location : Idaho
    Registration date : 2008-07-07

    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Empty Re: Man,I am getting frustrated on my search!

    Post by kltcustoms Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:57 pm

    Hey Donn

    Not sure if your still looking but I have 3 Chevys for sale or trade so let me know. 1966 GMC Display ( project ) 1966 Chevy Van runs rebuilt carb needs brakes, and a 1967 Chevy Sportsman Pop top Camer Van project factory sink stove 283 v8 auto. Let me know

    Number of posts : 692
    Location : Long Island, New York
    Registration date : 2009-04-05

    Man,I am getting frustrated on my search! Empty Re: Man,I am getting frustrated on my search!

    Post by Donn Sat Jul 11, 2009 9:58 am


    I ended up buying an Econoline a few weeks ago..
    good luck with yours..

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