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2 posters

    Stuck key!


    Number of posts : 25
    Location : Kettering Town...UK
    Registration date : 2014-12-03

    Stuck key! Empty Stuck key!

    Post by 1-star Tue Feb 10, 2015 5:04 am

    Can anyone shed any light on why I can't get my key out of the ignition of my '67 A100.

    I've recently bought the van from Sacramento, and I'm sure the cold weather of the UK is not the issue!

    Number of posts : 483
    Location : Oklahoma City, OK
    Registration date : 2012-07-11

    Stuck key! Empty Re: Stuck key!

    Post by busman78 Tue Feb 10, 2015 6:28 am

    Spray some silicone or other light lubricant into the cylinder, down along side the key, the pins inside are hung up.

    Number of posts : 25
    Location : Kettering Town...UK
    Registration date : 2014-12-03

    Stuck key! Empty Re: Stuck key!

    Post by 1-star Tue Feb 10, 2015 7:08 am

    busman78 wrote:Spray some silicone or other light lubricant into the cylinder, down along side the key, the pins inside are hung up.

    Ah ok, is it a common problem?

    Number of posts : 483
    Location : Oklahoma City, OK
    Registration date : 2012-07-11

    Stuck key! Empty Re: Stuck key!

    Post by busman78 Tue Feb 10, 2015 7:59 am

    Not really, more of a age & maintenance issue, had the same thing happen with my van. After getting the key out I used electrical contact cleaner to flush out all the old gunky lube and dirt, let it dry then used a lock lube, works great now.

    Number of posts : 25
    Location : Kettering Town...UK
    Registration date : 2014-12-03

    Stuck key! Empty Re: Stuck key!

    Post by 1-star Tue Feb 10, 2015 8:22 am

    busman78 wrote:Not really, more of a age & maintenance issue, had the same thing happen with my van. After getting the key out I used electrical contact cleaner to flush out all the old gunky lube and dirt, let it dry then used a lock lube, works great now.

    Cheers man.

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    Stuck key! Empty Re: Stuck key!

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