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dan nachel
RF Man
6 posters

    HELP--Need Clutch

    RF Man
    RF Man

    Number of posts : 120
    Location : Pueblo,CO
    Registration date : 2014-03-14

    HELP--Need Clutch Empty HELP--Need Clutch

    Post by RF Man Mon Oct 27, 2014 3:38 pm

    So, I'm working on my 61 econo pickup trying to replace clutch and throw-out bearing. My tranny is a newer model 65-67 toploader (rear mount---not doughnut mount) with 1 1/16" input shaft. Apparently, no one makes a 8.5" clutch with 1 1/16" 10 spline input clutch disc.
    I have the old clutch disc that I removed---obviously it's correct. Has anyone else ran into this dilemma? I ordered a clutch set from Rock Auto--it's incorrect.
    In researching, I discovered that the clutch for an 80 Mustang 2.3L is 8.5", 10 spline, 1 1/16" input. Will this clutch disc work?
    THX Mike
    dan nachel
    dan nachel

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    HELP--Need Clutch Empty Re: HELP--Need Clutch

    Post by dan nachel Mon Oct 27, 2014 4:15 pm

    When I put the 5 speed in my truck, I also had to get the clutch for a 1 1/16 input. The mustang clutch works fine.
    Econoline Guru

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    HELP--Need Clutch Empty Re: HELP--Need Clutch

    Post by econopoor Mon Oct 27, 2014 6:28 pm

    I've been told a 2.3 Pinto clutch will work for this which is the same as the Mustang that Dan mentioned.

    Duane in Tennessee

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    HELP--Need Clutch Empty Re: HELP--Need Clutch

    Post by 66ThunderVan Mon Oct 27, 2014 9:24 pm

    The Turbocoupe clutch is 9.125, the 2.3 mustang is 9 and the pinto is 8.5 inch 10 spline. You didn't say what engine you are running but I presume you are running the 170 or you would be looking for an 11 inch clutch. If I recall, the 67 200 cid came with a 10 inch clutch and flywheel and a larger bell that will bolt up to your engine. If you are lucky you might scare one up somewhere. There is a company out there that will make any disk you want. I will try to look them up and post up their info. I had them make one up for me and it was nice and not overpriced.
    RF Man
    RF Man

    Number of posts : 120
    Location : Pueblo,CO
    Registration date : 2014-03-14

    HELP--Need Clutch Empty Re: HELP--Need Clutch

    Post by RF Man Tue Oct 28, 2014 3:45 am

    I think I'll order a clutch set for the 80 Mustang 2.3L. The specs on size, diameter,spline, etc. seems to be correct. I just didn't know if there was a thickness issue to be concerned about or a weird spring issue on the disc its self. This is why I turn to the forums for help. The computer jockeys at the auto parts stores can't tell a guy anything about an automobile. Unfortunately,I have to order the whole clutch set and the pressure plate,TO bearing, and pilot bearing cannot be used. Anybody re-drill and tap their 8.5" recessed flywheel to accommodate a modern diaphragm style pressure plate. This would prevent me from buying 2 clutch sets to get the PP from one set and the clutch disc from another, and then still needing to buy another pilot and throw-out bearing because the Ford clutch sets all come with the 15/16" diameter pilot and TO bearings. These of course won't work with the large bearing Top Loaders in the later style early vans and trucks. Didn't any of those 65-67 vans and trucks come with small six and a large bearing tranny. That's the set-up I have in my truck----obviously my truck has been modified from the past. The other option of course is to switch over to a 9" flywheel----but what bellhousing is available for a small six in an Econoline?
    THX Mike

    Number of posts : 6186
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    HELP--Need Clutch Empty Re: HELP--Need Clutch

    Post by Twinpilot001 Tue Oct 28, 2014 5:41 am

    some citys-having dealt with large vehicle-semis/ tractors= will have a clutch rebuilder!! These people will rebuild a disc or pressure plate as is needed!! Check that out! cheers

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    HELP--Need Clutch Empty Re: HELP--Need Clutch

    Post by 'fish Tue Oct 28, 2014 10:44 am

    I have bought from Macs before good service good parts, this other one I have not bought from and its a bit hard to read the webpage but it looks like they carry both disks
    dan nachel
    dan nachel

    Number of posts : 394
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    HELP--Need Clutch Empty Re: HELP--Need Clutch

    Post by dan nachel Tue Oct 28, 2014 3:16 pm

    I found mine on e-bay. Got the disc for $50.00
    RF Man
    RF Man

    Number of posts : 120
    Location : Pueblo,CO
    Registration date : 2014-03-14

    HELP--Need Clutch Empty Re: HELP--Need Clutch

    Post by RF Man Wed Oct 29, 2014 3:47 am

    Ended up buying a 80 Mustang 2.3L clutch set from local parts house. MAC's,Dearborn, nor Dennis Carpenter carry this clutch disc. My memory now comes back to me---this happened before when I did a T5 swap into an 62 Falcon. The 80 Mustang 2.3L clutch disc does work, but the center of the flywheel does have to be machined out a bit to accommodate the springs on the clutch disc itself. This might be the result of casting differences on the 8.5" recessed flywheels. The machining needed is very minimal. I'm not exactly sure when Ford quit using the 8.5" recessed flywheel---maybe 1967? It's possible that a few cars got out of the factory with the combination of large bearing toploader tranny, 8.5" recessed flywheel, behind a small 6 cyl. The after market clutch suppliers do not recognize this as a viable setup--thus no clutch sets. What sucks is, I have to buy 2 different clutch sets to get the right parts I need, then I still have to buy new separate pilot and TO bearings to still make this work. It's like taking parts from 3 different clutch kits to get what I need. Rats!!! I did call a clutch rebuilder and they can make anything,but the costs are actually higher to go that way than to buy 2 separate clutch sets + additional pilot and TO bearings. Good thing I don't need to change my clutch often.
    THX Mike

    Number of posts : 6186
    Location : spokane ,Wa.
    Registration date : 2009-09-28

    HELP--Need Clutch Empty Re: HELP--Need Clutch

    Post by Twinpilot001 Wed Oct 29, 2014 6:07 am

    $53.79 for the disc @ Rock auto - they sell it by itself!! 1980 mustang 2.3 cheers There is also a disc 4 a turbo engine 2.3

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