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    Asking the right questions


    Number of posts : 43
    Location : Vancouver BC
    Registration date : 2014-01-23

    Asking the right questions Empty Asking the right questions

    Post by Catimann Sun Mar 02, 2014 8:34 pm

    I live in Canada and have bought 3 vehicles, over time from the US.  Two just south of me in Seattle so it was easy to go look (I looked at a A100 just the other day) and one from Arizona.  Now the Az one was bought through a web forum with lots of back up and some good people so there was trust involved.  I was sure the bike was a good one and have not been disappointed.

    So if you were going to go looking what questions would you ask?

    And that we are all on the same page this is what I'm looking at:

    These are the questions so far:
    I would like to see some more pictures if possible.  Shots of the doorsills, the interior of the dog house and undercarriage.
    What year was the T bird rear from?  Is the trans a 3 speed?  Was it originally a 3 speed standard?  If so do you still have those parts?
    Do you have clear title?

    All that said is there anyone near Dallas that would go look for me?  Save me a few hundred $ if it was not so good.
    Thanks for your help!

      Current date/time is Mon Dec 02, 2024 8:37 am