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    Some requests for Ford Van White Face Gauges...


    Some requests for Ford Van White Face Gauges... Empty Some requests for Ford Van White Face Gauges...

    Post by Guest Tue Jul 09, 2013 2:51 pm

    We have received a couple of white gauge requests for some ford vans but most of these clusters are hard to find and honestly we aren't sure if they will be a big seller but are willing to do the work and get the product out there if anyone is interested.

    We are looking for some people to send in their cluster or a spare so we can convert them to white face gauges...If your interested post a reply or send a private message. I didn't want this post deleted so I am not putting our website on here until I have approval from a operator.
    Old Skool
    Econoline Guru

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    Some requests for Ford Van White Face Gauges... Empty Re: Some requests for Ford Van White Face Gauges...

    Post by Old Skool Tue Jul 09, 2013 4:53 pm

    I have tried some white faced gauge stick on's a long time ago, and was not impressed with them at all and so gave up. I had thought perhaps a new one to tell everyone about. In the mean time, coming up with all kinds of other combinations as well as restoring old gauge sets. Over the years with many types for sale, and in my general opinion,,, I wasted my time with at least a half a dozen newly restored gauge panels here. In as far as NOS gauges go,, they range in price from about $10 bucks up to unrealistic prices at about $100 per gauge not including the speedo, which of either type do occasionally come up on E=useless.
    YEARS AGO,, I was able to figure out how to convert and use the early Fomoco type truck gauges into the cluster which looked pretty neet in my opinion. For the purist in my opinion they are pretty slick and never an option from Ford for ours. (Econolines)
    IMO: In general, there may be a lot of discussion about doing things with the Econolines, and you are correct in wondering IF there is a market for yours, as I have also found out the hard way with many other attempts. The latest being reproduction Idiot light inserts with a grand total of three sets sold,, LOL.. Oh well,, nothing ventured, nothing gained and on to the next bright idea!!!
    IMO: There is some competition here in that over the years I have seen countless attempts using all kinds of after market gauges, simply because there are so many and so many types at such low prices. Some thing for you to consider in your profit margin in your idea???? I cant count how many times I have been asked for things, and then not sold enough to pay for my thoughts let alone a few of them actually sold??????
    SO,, IMO: Too much competition in the types of gauges already manufactured at very low prices and too easy to be installed? White faced new gauges with needles that light up are not hard to find, and brand new at that also. The ones that DO want to spend some moneys with too many options already.. IF you could come up with an easy replacement face that could be installed easily and look good? I think there may be a small market there. The ones that I tried to install years ago did not come out very well and personally I found them very disappointing and frustrating, the reason why I also went another direction. Here are some gauge panels that I have here in stock,,, however if you figure an average of say $50 bucks for a new gauge, times four= $200 without a speedo which equals$$$$$$$$$$$$????????????? I have tried to sell my panels for about $250, which include the rarer four gauge panel (option and not very common as you know) already sand blasted, painted, new gauges and a cherry picked speedo.... still sitting on them.
    Personally,, I had thought that converting the idiot light panels over to use four gauges could be a good thing to sell and so made up a jig fixture to bore the two new gauge holes and use the old panel. The money just was not there and so gave up on that idea also.
    I suppose the price of your converted and or new gauges would have a lot to do with the sales?? but IMO your biggest competition are the already available gauges for sale already and so easy to install...
    Hoping you understand that I am only relaying my thoughts on it and tried over ten years ago to develop a market for gauge panels...
    Vic---------Old Skool Econoline Engineering

    I tried to post a some pictures of gauge panels as well as a customers CNC cut gauge panel holder, but there seems to be a problem wlth logging in now just to post some pictures???? asking my to now join some kind of group to post my pictures,,, which seems a little blt aggravating to me?? anyways,, If you would like, please send me an email and I would be happy to show you what I have accumulated over the years,,,, sorry,,,
    Magic Bus
    Magic Bus

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    Some requests for Ford Van White Face Gauges... Empty Re: Some requests for Ford Van White Face Gauges...

    Post by Magic Bus Thu Jul 11, 2013 8:39 am

    Some requests for Ford Van White Face Gauges... Blue_c10

    Vic, I just posted a test pic here, seems to be working fine for me?
    Old Skool
    Econoline Guru

    Number of posts : 1306
    Location : North Hills, CA
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    Some requests for Ford Van White Face Gauges... Empty Re: Some requests for Ford Van White Face Gauges...

    Post by Old Skool Thu Jul 11, 2013 10:58 am

    Okay,,, just switched computers and will see what happens? hope not anymore!!
    Well here I still go!!!!!!! A small msg board from asking me to upload my photos and pass word,,, I am not really excited about having to upload anything with anyone, or perhaps am I misunderstanding...


    Number of posts : 141
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    Some requests for Ford Van White Face Gauges... Empty Re: Some requests for Ford Van White Face Gauges...

    Post by CraigK Thu Jul 11, 2013 5:00 pm

    Hey Vic

    I remember seeing the idiot light covers you were making. Think it may have been on the econosrus site. Dont remember and I cant find the e-mail. I am not ready to put my gauges back together yet but liked what you had done and figure maybe now's the time to get the parts.
    Can you post the info on how much and what you get.



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    Some requests for Ford Van White Face Gauges... Empty Re: Some requests for Ford Van White Face Gauges...

    Post by RipVanArkie Fri Jul 12, 2013 5:24 am

    vic, do you have an online photo album anywhere? If you do it is easier than fooling with


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    Old Skool
    Econoline Guru

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    Some requests for Ford Van White Face Gauges... Empty Re: Some requests for Ford Van White Face Gauges...

    Post by Old Skool Sat Jul 13, 2013 7:55 am

    Sorry guys,, but no online photo group,,, I have been using Kodak Easy Share for over 10 years now and it works very well. Only hassle was trying to move all the organized albums over from one putter to another and had to reorgainize them,, lots of pictures and lots of work.
    In regards to the "idiot lights"  I designed them with a relief cut into the outside egge that exactly fits into the original face plate hole, and also did the script by hand to exactly copy the original. There is or are no standard "scripts" to use. Getting the correct color to come out was a little difficult at first because the clear red plex lite up so brightly you could no longer read what the script said. As if that mattered, as it was so bright you couldnt ignore it, and if you didnt remember which one it was you were in trouble otherwise. LOL
    Anyways, I toned it down by putting a white stick on them, which left them totally black when not lite exactly like stock, and when lite up a bright red exactly like stock. IF a person wants them to really lite up, its a simple as removeing the backing,, each to their own.
     They are available in GEN, ALT, and OIL and hand filled painting with a special lazer compatent type paint. (pain to paint),,,, in regards to the card board for them I was finnally able to find the correct tube from a manufacturers over run, but no luck with the small card board tube.
    The turn signals and the high beam indicator lights use the small card board and they are critical in OD as they need to fit inside the mounting prongs in the cluster. With that I had the these lenses cut so as to fit exactly into the small cardboard tightly.  
     The turn signals are green, and the high beam indicators are either red or blue depending on your year application and or preference.
    Vic,,,, will try pictures later on this evening,,,  sorry.... CORRECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GOT THEM working again??????????????? no more whining,,, idea of how ????


    1. Simple just the two idiot lights of choice, to include padded envelope and postage at $25. To include the new cardboard add $2 bucks for a box and added shipping price. The card board is for free, but cant eat all the expense,,,

    2. Would be a kit form (no small tubes YET) BOTH idiot lights, both turn signal and one of the high beam (their choice of color) both large card board pieces, box and shipping @ a total of $35.

    I am looking for a replacement small tube, problem right now and haven't really had the time to bear down on it right now. The cardboard OD is critical, and also the cardboard gives and seals better than a plastic tube or something would. The big tube was easy.  

    Some requests for Ford Van White Face Gauges... Idiot_10

    Some requests for Ford Van White Face Gauges... High_b10

    Some requests for Ford Van White Face Gauges... Turn_l10

    Number of posts : 141
    Location : Grafton Ohio
    Registration date : 2012-05-14

    Some requests for Ford Van White Face Gauges... Empty Re: Some requests for Ford Van White Face Gauges...

    Post by CraigK Mon Jul 15, 2013 7:23 am

    Would you post your contact info either here or a PM if you dont want your address publicly posted.
    I will send you a money order for the whole set. Oil, Alt, turn signals and blue high beam.


    Old Skool
    Econoline Guru

    Number of posts : 1306
    Location : North Hills, CA
    Age : 72
    Registration date : 2009-06-13

    Some requests for Ford Van White Face Gauges... Empty Re: Some requests for Ford Van White Face Gauges...

    Post by Old Skool Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:43 am

    Please PM me at

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