Trailing arms are done and started the front brackets for them.
Lyrad wrote:I like the wood panel idea, very creative. Wana Trade Vans? lol
mothradeath wrote:when is the body drop coming into play on your project and what kind of plans do you have for doing the front suspension?
mothradeath wrote:when is the body drop coming into play on your project and what kind of plans do you have for doing the front suspension?
mothradeath wrote:ive got the money set aside to buy a mustang II but i think i had better wait till the holidays go by or i might have to use that money to find a new place to live. but as soon as im certain everyone elses gifts have been taken care of...its goin down. never a good idea to disturb the delicate balance of a household if you know what im saying. haha
jimthefred wrote:isnt the steering shaft gonna give you fits? How are you gonna get around that? I am watching with lots of interest!!!
jimthefred wrote:That sounds like a winner! Take lots of pictures.
Army of Six wrote:awesome man. now i know how to 4 link an econo. thanks for sharing the build. i cant wait to hear how it rides and drives. i have been looking at bagging mine so..like you said..after the holidays.. i ll be getting more serious about it. keep up the good work!
PS. for those of you who are having a hard time watching the youtube links you just have to remove the m. at the beginning of the web address then refresh the page.