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7 posters

    shipping cars


    Number of posts : 714
    Location : So Cal Baby!
    Registration date : 2012-07-02

    shipping cars Empty shipping cars

    Post by Gothboy Fri Jul 20, 2012 9:50 am

    does anybody have a clue how much it costs to ship cars from a couple states away? I just want a ballpark before I start wasting everyones time lol. Please and thank you. -GothY-

    Number of posts : 3046
    Location : Chino Valley
    Registration date : 2010-01-21

    shipping cars Empty Re: shipping cars

    Post by RodStRace Fri Jul 20, 2012 3:48 pm

    This is an area you don't want to blindly wander into.
    The field has a pretty crummy reputation.
    Sure, the high-end guys are pretty professional. The middle to low end guys can be horrid.
    Most low end quotes are dispatched. This means the company you call and do business with put the job out for quotes and the actual carrier can be any of a number of independents. The companies are often accused of poor communication, missing deadlines, leaving your prized property in storage lots, and the carriers are often accused of delays, lying about time and costs, and damaging the vehicles.
    The laws concerning this kind of business are downright scary.
    Spend some time researching who you consider.

    Number of posts : 11
    Location : georgia
    Registration date : 2012-07-09

    shipping cars Empty shipping a van

    Post by maybee Sat Jul 21, 2012 8:24 am

    i got an estimate af $980.00 from 1300 miles away

    Number of posts : 714
    Location : So Cal Baby!
    Registration date : 2012-07-02

    shipping cars Empty Re: shipping cars

    Post by Gothboy Mon Jul 23, 2012 5:57 am

    ugh. This is going to be a huge pain isnt it. :/ Every van I find that I like is usually in oregon or washington. I live in California. lame. If I had a big truck, I know where a trailer is I can borrow, but renting a good strong truck is like bazillions of dollars. I rented one to go to san diego last year to pick up the ATC I bought and it wasnt cost effective to rent a truck again... Any ideas or suggestions guys? Your answers will help me determine whether I should go after this deal or keep looking... -GothY-


    Number of posts : 3046
    Location : Chino Valley
    Registration date : 2010-01-21

    shipping cars Empty Re: shipping cars

    Post by RodStRace Mon Jul 23, 2012 7:35 am

    I've seen a anumber of nice ones in the NW too, but you gotta remember that So Cal is home to a huge number of vintage everything. Keep looking and have the cash ready. If you include the price and travel costs of the WA vans, you should be able to land a nice So Cal van.
    Ask the UPS drivers near you. They sit high and drive around all day. That one that isn't listed stored in the back is going to be your best deal.

    Number of posts : 648
    Location : San Antonio, TX
    Registration date : 2011-06-27

    shipping cars Empty Re: shipping cars

    Post by Rayallen Mon Jul 23, 2012 7:58 am

    ~1000 miles+ count on paying at least $900-1100 for a good carrier.

    I lucked out and paid right around $1000 for my van shipped from San Francisco, CA to San antonio TX. Arrived in exactly one week. You should note from my understanding this is not the norm. Most people wait a bit longer and have a lot issues. I lucked out a i guess..

    Number of posts : 714
    Location : So Cal Baby!
    Registration date : 2012-07-02

    shipping cars Empty Re: shipping cars

    Post by Gothboy Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:54 am

    Thank you guys for making me see it real. I understand what you're all saying, and the words of wisdom are not lost on me. Ill keep looking. Smile Or rather stop looking, cause thats usually when I find what I want...When Im not looking for it. You guys are the best! -GothY-

    Number of posts : 553
    Location : Warwick, RI/Ellsworth, Maine
    Registration date : 2008-05-20

    shipping cars Empty Re: shipping cars

    Post by fmc56 Mon Jul 23, 2012 11:51 am

    I have used MJR Auto Transport, Glendale AZ several times with no problems. Owner/oprator, no brokers involved. He travels from California to Maine regularly. I paid $1000.00 from Glendale AZ to RI recently. Both vans didn't run. I was quoted $700.00 from Memphis TN to RI for an Econoline pickup.

    Number of posts : 3046
    Location : Chino Valley
    Registration date : 2010-01-21

    shipping cars Empty Re: shipping cars

    Post by RodStRace Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:22 pm

    Gothboy, you were looking for preferably a 108 with a poptop or solid high top?

    Doesn't get much closer to your wish list, and it's in So Cal! 2500 minus shipping from the NW is going to put you at rock bottom pricing for one of these. See, all you had to do was say I've stopped looking! Laughing

    shipping cars 5L95Ne5Md3E63Gf3Jcc6b3cb9e282912217c3

    Number of posts : 1686
    Location : Santa Barbara, California
    Registration date : 2008-10-04

    shipping cars Empty Re: shipping cars

    Post by westcoastvanner Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:02 pm

    When I was looking for a van about 2 years ago, I got quotes to ship it from Atlanta, Ga., to Santa Barbara, Ca. for about $1200.00. Never had to ship it, I got my van from the L.A. area.

    Number of posts : 6186
    Location : spokane ,Wa.
    Registration date : 2009-09-28

    shipping cars Empty Re: shipping cars

    Post by Twinpilot001 Wed Aug 01, 2012 5:08 pm

    I jsut had a econo picked up here -i sold to a vanner in calgary canada- it took ?? about 3-4 weeks to get up a load to his area - hes a member here also.heres the shipper / transporter=Taylors transportation=montana- runs all over =406-7275066

    Number of posts : 714
    Location : So Cal Baby!
    Registration date : 2012-07-02

    shipping cars Empty Re: shipping cars

    Post by Gothboy Thu Aug 02, 2012 5:10 am

    LOL! Holy hell Rod how'd I miss that one! HA! Im going to have to go check that one out. Smile Thank you amigo! -GothY-

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