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    66 Econoline; what goes there?


    Number of posts : 287
    Location : Virginia Beach
    Registration date : 2011-07-31

    66 Econoline; what goes there? Empty 66 Econoline; what goes there?

    Post by cl350rr Sun Mar 25, 2012 2:57 pm

    There are 2 holes in my stock 66 dash above the ash tray. I believe larger one on the right is the emergency flasser light, I don't know what goes on the left but it was a dash knob for something.

    I'm filling dash holes today so I need to decide if I'm gonna keep what was there.

    thanks a bunch

    66 Econoline; what goes there? Dsc07216

    Number of posts : 233
    Location : upstate ny
    Registration date : 2011-01-27

    66 Econoline; what goes there? Empty Re: 66 Econoline; what goes there?

    Post by Smallblockbug Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:30 pm

    The bigger one may be cigarette lighter. The other one not sure
    Econoline Guru

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    Registration date : 2010-04-18

    66 Econoline; what goes there? Empty Re: 66 Econoline; what goes there?

    Post by econopoor Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:01 pm

    The Cigar lighter is mounted to the right of the ashtray between the radio. Above the ashtray is the emergency flasher switch in one hole and the emergency flasher indicator light in the other.

    Duane in Tennessee.

    Number of posts : 287
    Location : Virginia Beach
    Registration date : 2011-07-31

    66 Econoline; what goes there? Empty Re: 66 Econoline; what goes there?

    Post by cl350rr Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:14 pm

    thanks guys, I should have known that.
    Big W
    Big W

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    Location : Saskatoon,Sask,Canada
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    66 Econoline; what goes there? Empty Re: 66 Econoline; what goes there?

    Post by Big W Sun Mar 25, 2012 9:29 pm

    yup that's correct...66 Econoline; what goes there? Copy_o12

    Number of posts : 287
    Location : Virginia Beach
    Registration date : 2011-07-31

    66 Econoline; what goes there? Empty Re: 66 Econoline; what goes there?

    Post by cl350rr Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:02 am

    Big W wrote:yup that's correct...66 Econoline; what goes there? Copy_o12

    Sweet, thanks for the pic

    Number of posts : 864
    Location : Jackson,NJ
    Registration date : 2010-07-26

    66 Econoline; what goes there? Empty Re: 66 Econoline; what goes there?

    Post by Casimier Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:55 am

    Here's a pic of my '66 and cigarette lighter is left of the ash tray....just under the windshield wiper switch...
    looks like my previous owner bored out the spray bottle switch and put an aftermarket lighter there...
    gotta love the discovery for right and wrong on this site.
    thanks cl350 and econopoor...
    You eastern guys thinking of coming to the Northeast Early Gathering? Trying to get a head count...
    [img]66 Econoline; what goes there? Ac-2_010[/img]

    Number of posts : 287
    Location : Virginia Beach
    Registration date : 2011-07-31

    66 Econoline; what goes there? Empty Re: 66 Econoline; what goes there?

    Post by cl350rr Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:01 am

    Casimier wrote:Here's a pic of my '66 and cigarette lighter is left of the ash tray....just under the windshield wiper switch...
    looks like my previous owner bored out the spray bottle switch and put an aftermarket lighter there...
    gotta love the discovery for right and wrong on this site.
    thanks cl350 and econopoor...
    You eastern guys thinking of coming to the Northeast Early Gathering? Trying to get a head count...
    [img]66 Econoline; what goes there? Ac-2_010[/img]

    If you look at my dash pic, the hole to the left of the 3 heater switches is where my Lighter was. not sure if it was stock but it may be that they used different locations at different times. as a 66 your wiper and washer should be the same switch

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    66 Econoline; what goes there? Empty Re: 66 Econoline; what goes there?

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