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3 posters

    Cantilever Trans Mount. (DONUT)


    Number of posts : 3
    Location : westland mich
    Registration date : 2012-02-07

    Cantilever Trans Mount. (DONUT) Empty 1961-64 donut trans mount info

    Post by tr123460 Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:47 am

    [i had the same problem finding one so the simple fix that works great is to use a rear upper control arm bushing from a 1979-1993 fox body mustang.cut the end to length use the metric bolt good to go worked great!]
    Old Skool
    Econoline Guru

    Number of posts : 1306
    Location : North Hills, CA
    Age : 72
    Registration date : 2009-06-13

    Cantilever Trans Mount. (DONUT) Empty Re: Cantilever Trans Mount. (DONUT)

    Post by Old Skool Thu Feb 02, 2012 11:49 pm

    Will have to find it in my sources but he has them in stock ,keep forgetting who it was? last time I bought some they were about $66 bucks!! Pretty sure it was not Ron's Falcons,, dratzzz... old age' All my book marks got moved, and still looking, he had them re produced a long time ago..
    organ grinder

    Number of posts : 149
    Location : Wisconsin
    Registration date : 2008-10-11

    Cantilever Trans Mount. (DONUT) Empty Re: Cantilever Trans Mount. (DONUT)

    Post by organ grinder Sun Nov 20, 2011 3:03 am

    E-Liner, did you view the replies from your original post about these mounts?

    The only place I know of that repops the original Econo'61-'64 manual trans mount is Northwest Classic Falcon. The rubber for the bushing is made heavier than a normal bushing and the 9/16 pilot sleeve is off set in the bushing to balance the weight of the trans. It still is a weak mount probably why Ford went to the cross member type in the later years.
    I tried that mount from C&G in the past but it didn't work for me.


    Cantilever Trans Mount. (DONUT) Empty Cantilever Trans Mount. (DONUT)

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:03 am

    What a pain to find this one. Local Part houses will not have this. C&G Early Fords, Macs Auto, Falcon Parts have this part. Part number #C2DA-6A061-A. Be aware to use hyphens when checking parts. Also Macs Auto Tech Guy, "who owned Four Econolines", was not sure that Falcons Parts interchange with Econolines. BE SURE WHEN ORDERING WHICH MOUNT YOU HAVE. THEY MAKE FOUR TYPES.

    Donut with Pilot Hole

    Donut with Studs

    Union Flat Square

    Flat Square

    P.S. Kyle from C&G Early Fords just called me back and said this will not work. He has tried in the pass with other Econoline Vans; And it did not work.. I told him to put it to the phone so I can take a look at it. I asked him the Outside Mount and Inside Pilot dia. AND GUESS WHAT! 2" Outside dia, and 9/16 pilot hole dia. I think it will fit. or I will eat CROW. But thats the exact measurement I got.

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    Cantilever Trans Mount. (DONUT) Empty Re: Cantilever Trans Mount. (DONUT)

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