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3 posters

    Floating gas gauge


    Floating gas gauge Empty Floating gas gauge

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 11, 2011 3:04 pm

    Put in a new sending unit and checked all the wiring.... the gas guage seems to float wherever it wants to. It won't provide an accurate reading. Do I need a new gas gauge or is there something else I can check?
    Big W
    Big W

    Number of posts : 3282
    Location : Saskatoon,Sask,Canada
    Age : 60
    Registration date : 2011-01-13

    Floating gas gauge Empty Re: Floating gas gauge

    Post by Big W Sun Sep 11, 2011 3:48 pm

    I am not sure if this will help...but is it well grounded. Or is it being grounded through just the tank straps holding the tank up. I would start with running a ground wire off the tank to the frame, and be sure all connections are clean and use that dielectric ( or what ever it's called) grease on all ground connections. Also be sure that the hole in the tank where the sending unit goes is also clean and free of rust for better ground. Just my 2 cents on it...

    Number of posts : 310
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2010-05-26

    Floating gas gauge Empty Re: Floating gas gauge

    Post by SDEconoTruck Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:00 pm

    Hey Smith1989,

    Big W is right, check your grounds. I have fixed quite
    a few fuel gauges for friends. I made a thread on here
    to show the steps to take to find out if gauges and other circuits work. The order you do this stuff is important:

    Have fun,

    Number of posts : 329
    Location : Holland, MI
    Registration date : 2010-06-14

    Floating gas gauge Empty Re: Floating gas gauge

    Post by Linoman Mon Sep 12, 2011 3:49 am

    Great article George. Just dropped my tank to clean out, was going to get a new sending unit but after reading your writeup I think I'll try to salvage the old one.

    Number of posts : 310
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2010-05-26

    Floating gas gauge Empty Re: Floating gas gauge

    Post by SDEconoTruck Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:32 am

    For sure Linoman!

    I have yet to find a re-popped sender that has comparable quality of the originals. Post any questions you have on that thread, I'll try to answer. Or PM me.
    Best of luck!

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