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    Wiring harness kit


    Number of posts : 30
    Location : TripleOnTheTree
    Registration date : 2013-05-05

    Wiring harness kit Empty Re: Wiring harness kit

    Post by LVMtnMan Tue Aug 20, 2013 7:48 pm

    So I went ahead and shopped around and found a good deal w/ KayJayCo. They sound like a family run business when I called. They offer extra length wiring for different kinds of applications. My problem with a lot of the other universal harnesses out there are they are precut already in a box. I'm not going to spend that kind of money and they still have to splice wires because they are too short. Anyways, to make a long story short I ordered a 20 fuse kit to cover everything I have or may add later on down the road. the kit is $300 plus an extra $20 or so for the added length. I should have it within a couple of days and will report back with more info then. I hope this helps some people out because I know the wireing harness in my van was a fire waiting to happen.

    Number of posts : 30
    Location : TripleOnTheTree
    Registration date : 2013-05-05

    Wiring harness kit Empty Re: Wiring harness kit

    Post by LVMtnMan Sat May 11, 2013 10:37 am

    I'm going to order a Ron Francis kit this week and built the harness myself. their stuff looks pretty legit

    Number of posts : 233
    Location : upstate ny
    Registration date : 2011-01-27

    Wiring harness kit Empty Re: Wiring harness kit

    Post by Smallblockbug Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:39 pm

    Has anyone used this kit. Also anyone know where you can get the plugs for the ignition switch, voltage regulator, wiper switch, and light switch. Contemplating wiring it up myself if i can find what exactly every wire is for on each switch in its simplest form.

    Wiring harness kit Empty Wiring harness kit

    Post by Guest Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:43 pm

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