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2 posters

    62 Ford Econoline Mystery Machine!


    Number of posts : 11
    Location : Arkansas
    Registration date : 2011-02-24

    62 Ford Econoline Mystery Machine! Empty 62 Ford Econoline Mystery Machine!

    Post by Mike's_MysteryMachine Sat Feb 26, 2011 2:06 pm

    go here for the pics

    I'm getting it ready for the summer party season since I do birthdays and will start catering this summer. Right now it's on flats and the 2000 dollar paint job was a rip off but it made me some money not so long ago and then there was electrical issues and fuel line issues. now all thats fixed except the tires and I've already got the proper appointments made.

    What I'm wanting to know is how to get the interior right. I want to make the front into a bench seat, but I have no idea how to do that with the engine's housing in between the driver and passenger seats.

    I'm also interested in luggage racks and a front mounted spare rack and figuring out how to get the lights just right.

    I will either be getting new doors without windows or doing some body work this winter or next spring to wall the right side in or get a sliding door installed, but that's another story.

    This van isn't 100% accurate to the cartoon (an A-100 would be closer) but it is close enough and I love the money sucking machine.

    Number of posts : 199
    Location : Idaho
    Registration date : 2008-07-07

    62 Ford Econoline Mystery Machine! Empty Re: 62 Ford Econoline Mystery Machine!

    Post by kltcustoms Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:12 am

    Only way you can do that is move the motor back to the center of the van. then you can remove the dog house and fab up a front bench. Good luck!

      Current date/time is Wed Oct 09, 2024 10:37 pm