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    front passenger side wheel cylinder


    Number of posts : 17
    Registration date : 2010-12-29

    front passenger side wheel cylinder Empty front passenger side wheel cylinder

    Post by Harley69A108 Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:53 pm

    Im new to this site just got my van a couple months ago and im working on the front brakes does anyone know how to remove the wheel cylinder from a 69 A108 I have the shoes off and everything just not sure on the proper steps to take this wheel cylinder off.


    Number of posts : 3794
    Location : United States Six Lakes MI
    Registration date : 2008-05-17

    front passenger side wheel cylinder Empty Re: front passenger side wheel cylinder

    Post by Digz Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:17 pm

    The wheel cyl bolts on from the backside of the backing plate. 2 bolts, soak everything down with your favorite rust breaker first and then gently work the bolts and the hose loose from it, be prepared to replace the hose and possibly the metal brake line to it. These are the rear cyl's but gives you the idea on the bolts.
    front passenger side wheel cylinder Rear_w11
    Also a big help would be a Bible, a.k.a. "Service Manual" for your van.. The guys might have some links or online sources for that.
    Its not always possible but try to save the wheel cyl in case you need to get a rebuild kit, sometimes the replacements are hard to find. Once it is out you can use a little heat to help with removing the bleeder if thats an issue and also the hose if it has to be cut to remove it.'Good Luck

    Number of posts : 957
    Location : GA
    Age : 55
    Registration date : 2010-07-29

    front passenger side wheel cylinder Empty Re: front passenger side wheel cylinder

    Post by slowflapper Mon Jan 03, 2011 7:16 am

    What he said ^^

    The wheel cylinders run between $35-$50 bucks each, the rebuild kits are about $7 each and a cylinder hone is about $8 bucks. I'd take the old cylinders out, hone them smooth, wash them in parts cleaner, dry them with compressed air, lube the inside with brake fluid and reassemble.

    I've already done this on one of my wheel cylinders that was leaking badly, the other three are on the to-do list. I'd spend about a day taking everything down, cleaning, rebuilding and putting it all back together.

    I'll see if I can find the link here to the service manual.

    eta: Here's the link to download the manual.

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