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2 posters

    It is getting cold and I have no heat!!!


    Number of posts : 339
    Location : Huntington, West Virginia
    Registration date : 2010-04-07

    It is getting cold and I have no heat!!! Empty It is getting cold and I have no heat!!!

    Post by lectricman Sun Sep 26, 2010 11:51 pm

    OK... here is the problem... The heater core leaks.... lol.... I can not find a replacement core... I have the box set up in the floor in my '62... I had another box and tore it apart and someone soldered it up around the temp control and took the temp control out???? I assume it was leaking around it??? Don't know??? I brought the auto parts stores transpro radiator/heater core/AC condenser book home and can not find anything that even resembles what I need.. (one with the temp control) I guess the question is.................
    What is everyone using for a heater core in the little box heater that is mounted to the floor in our Econolines????????? Do you think that a radiator shop can find the leak/leaks in my unit and fix them???? any suggestions or stories on what you have done for your heat is greatly appreciated.... Thanks guys............
    67a 100 pickup
    67a 100 pickup

    Number of posts : 1319
    Location : ann arbor, mi
    Registration date : 2009-01-29

    It is getting cold and I have no heat!!! Empty Re: It is getting cold and I have no heat!!!

    Post by 67a 100 pickup Mon Sep 27, 2010 12:24 am

    Your cores were talked about awhile back in "between the seats 'e' " type in heater core in the search block and the posts will come up. Good luck.

      Current date/time is Thu Sep 19, 2024 6:55 am