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    stripping side/rear doors


    Number of posts : 3046
    Location : Chino Valley
    Registration date : 2010-01-21

    stripping side/rear doors Empty stripping side/rear doors

    Post by RodStRace Fri Apr 16, 2010 12:31 pm

    You asked for it, here it is! How to take side/rear door parts out.
    This again is a 1966, later ones may be different. Also, my doors had been “fixed” over the years by people with various tools and skill levels. Clips missing, arms bent, a nail instead of a clip, and a weld bead in one case! You just have to deal with what you have.
    Just like the front doors, there are various rods attached to the latch with clips.
    The side/rear doors have a lower rod and an upper rod, the side front door also has a lock rod.

    Mine was missing the lock cylinders, so I don’t have the procedure for them. They should have a clip holding them in place, and be fairly easy to remove. Note how each latch and parts are before removal! For example, here’s how the side rear door latch looks before removal.
    stripping side/rear doors Siderea

    The lower rod parts are fairly easy. There is a clip to the latch. At the bottom, a spring, washer and clip that holds the rod to the bottom of the door, and a Bolt or plunger that locks into the body to hold the doors shut.
    stripping side/rear doors Lowerspringclip1

    Pop off the clip and remove the rod from the latch. Next, remove the clip above the washer and spring. I used a pair of hemostats. This will allow the rod to drop and the bolt to be unscrewed from the rod. Lube rusty parts before forcing!

    stripping side/rear doors Bolt

    Note that there are 2 different profiles on the bolt, a round side (inside) and a sharper edge (outer). This picture has the inside down and the outside up.

    stripping side/rear doors Boltprofile

    Some of mine also had a kind of a clip wrapped around the bottom and side of the bolt. I assume these are an anti-rattle of some sort. Once the bolt is unscrewed, the rod can be lifted back out of the door and the parts put back together for storage. Note the bend on the lower end of the rod and how it fits in the door.

    The lock rod has a bent end that engages through the latch, so it has to stay in until the latch is removed. On mine, this was only on the side front door. Here is a picture of it in place and the latch removed (front and back) and the whole assembly for the side front door.

    stripping side/rear doors Lockrod

    stripping side/rear doors Flatchclips

    stripping side/rear doors SidefrontlatchB

    stripping side/rear doors Sidefrontwhole

    Now for the top ones! They have an extra flat linkage between the rod and the latch. Note the proper position before removing! They also have a guide built into the latch, so they can’t be removed completely except WITH the latch! Please note that the guide will not allow the rod to be pulled up enough to expose it below the bolt. This is mentioned later.
    stripping side/rear doors Latchguide
    The window doors have an added level of difficulty, since you cannot access the spring clip. Here’s how I did it, you may find a better way. If so, please post it!

    The cargo doors allow access, so I pulled the clip from the latch, then the clip below the washer and spring.

    stripping side/rear doors Lowerspringclip

    Having the latch loose at this point will allow better access to remove the clip. You must have the latch loose from the door for the next part, so go ahead and remove the screws now to make it easier. The rod can then be pulled up and the bolt removed. The darn guide on the latch makes this tougher than the bottom rods. At this point, the latch, lock rod and the upper rod can be removed from the door. Try to consider how all these parts are going to be installed in a freshly painted door! Learn how stuff moves now!

    On the doors with windows (rear for me), you can’t get to the spring and clip. It gets pretty ugly, but here’s how I did it. Remember that in my case, the handles were off and one of the linkages was bent and already off. It would probably be better to turn the handle to the closed position to extend the bolts before going through all this! I also had one lower rod held to the latch with the weld bead!
    I got the lower rod out the same as before (except the welded one), then pried and pushed the linkage and loose latch up until I could grab the bolt at the top with vise grips. This is not fun, since you have limited access to the lower part of the rod, it has the latch wrapped around it, and you may also have the flat linkage hanging off the end. It depends on how you were able to pull the clips and detach the rod and linkage from the latch.

    For those that have everything working and not messed with, I should also say that if you already have the bolt held above, you cannot pull it enough to expose the rod with the latch in place. The upper part of the latch that guides the upper rod will not allow it. You must remove the latch screws and allow it to move up. While guiding the latch and upper rod inside the door so it doesn’t jam and cause more bodywork, pull the bolt up enough to expose and grab the rod. I used a pair of needle nose pliers since I couldn’t find my needle nose vice grips. I’d suggest finding some so you can lock them in place on the rod, holding against the spring pressure and not worry. Unscrew the bolt on top. Now the linkage is spring loaded, so when you release the rod, it will shoot down into the door. The latch still has it held, so this should not cause any issues, just be aware it will happen. Now you can remove the latch and upper rod. Here is a picture of my rear door latches. Note the lock cylinder pin on the right one, and the glob of weld holding the left lower linkage! You can also see the guides for the upper rods and the flat linkage between the upper arms and the latches. What isn’t really visible in this shot is the bent flat linkage and latch arm for the upper right rod. Just some of the stuff you have to deal with on older vehicles, including earlies!

    stripping side/rear doors Rearlatches

    Good luck and I hope this helps.
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    stripping side/rear doors Empty Re: stripping side/rear doors

    Post by dix Sun May 09, 2010 3:00 am


    Number of posts : 922
    Location : middletown,ny
    Registration date : 2009-04-03

    stripping side/rear doors Empty Re: stripping side/rear doors

    Post by wylee Sun May 09, 2010 4:29 am

    thank you for taking the time to do all that to show us. very helpfull........

    Number of posts : 3794
    Location : United States Six Lakes MI
    Registration date : 2008-05-17

    stripping side/rear doors Empty Re: stripping side/rear doors

    Post by Digz Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:41 pm

    This thread helped me when I was stripping the rods out of the 66 doors, thanks !! I did use a couple phillips screw drivers as levers to help push the latch/rod assembly up to get ahold of the bolt. Not easy for sure but doable.

    Number of posts : 1686
    Location : Santa Barbara, California
    Registration date : 2008-10-04

    stripping side/rear doors Empty Re: stripping side/rear doors

    Post by westcoastvanner Sun Sep 21, 2014 5:00 pm

    Does anyone have a supplier who sells replacement cargo door handle posts? (see photos). It looks like they are pressed into the door mechanism.

    stripping side/rear doors Post_310

    Number of posts : 957
    Location : GA
    Age : 55
    Registration date : 2010-07-29

    stripping side/rear doors Empty Re: stripping side/rear doors

    Post by slowflapper Mon Sep 22, 2014 3:06 pm

    Ive got some diagrams as well, having trouble loading them so check my image gallery link for them.

    Number of posts : 20
    Location : Darmstadt, Germany
    Registration date : 2013-02-19

    stripping side/rear doors Empty Re: stripping side/rear doors

    Post by Dingeldeins Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:42 am

    did everything, as You said!
    Got the linkage out. Found a real worn bolt:
    stripping side/rear doors Img_2011
    Welded it up. Everthing´s fine!
    But - How do I get it back in there again???  Crying or Very sad

    Number of posts : 6186
    Location : spokane ,Wa.
    Registration date : 2009-09-28

    stripping side/rear doors Empty Re: stripping side/rear doors

    Post by Twinpilot001 Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:33 am

    affraid affraid affraid lol! lol! lol! lol! Buy a new door??

    Number of posts : 20
    Location : Darmstadt, Germany
    Registration date : 2013-02-19

    stripping side/rear doors Empty Re: stripping side/rear doors

    Post by Dingeldeins Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:58 am

    Any other ideas ???

    Number of posts : 3046
    Location : Chino Valley
    Registration date : 2010-01-21

    stripping side/rear doors Empty Re: stripping side/rear doors

    Post by RodStRace Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:44 pm

    The subject of this strip down is still apart and currently sitting in primer.
    I would strongly suggest (as said in the removal) being very careful how the big handle section with the interior handle stud and the over-center upper latch is slid back into the door to prevent damage!
    The rest should be fairly straight forward.
    I monkeyed with this issue in my 108 and after a couple frustrating hours decided to stop before I caused problems. It still hasn't been finished.
    Note also that I used the same terms for the parts as shown in the parts catalog page. Unfortunately, my copy wouldn't load properly here. It was hosted online for a couple years, but is now gone. There is no factory procedure I found for doing this job.
    Here's a link to the book (expensive!)

    Number of posts : 20
    Location : Darmstadt, Germany
    Registration date : 2013-02-19

    stripping side/rear doors Empty Re: stripping side/rear doors

    Post by Dingeldeins Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:48 am

    Hi again,
    Do I understand right, You haven´t put them in either.
    I will make another try on Saturday together with my son.
    The Problem is, that You have to get the rod through the whole on top of the door with a lot of caution and at the same time push it up against the spring with all Your strenght, then grab it, the Moment it Comes out of the door.
    I will Report the results!

    Number of posts : 20
    Location : Darmstadt, Germany
    Registration date : 2013-02-19

    stripping side/rear doors Empty Here comes the report

    Post by Dingeldeins Sun Dec 06, 2015 1:07 pm

    First of all: It´s put together again and working !!!
    You will need, at least two vise grips.
    I had left the lower linkage in the door and took only the upper out with the opening mechanism.
    So I put this together again (upper linkage and mechanism), turned it to the lock-Position and placed it in the door.
    Now it´s better to have a second Person at your side, who stands on a ladder or something else so high, that he can look inside the door from the top. In my case, my son.
    With a long srewdriver or something like that he had to lead the rod through the whole in the door´s top, while I pushed it up against the spring.
    While pushing the whole mechanism up, it´s important that the bolt or the pin where the inner handle is later screwed to, is turned to the front end of the door not to the side where the hinges are ! Otherwise you will not get it up far enough, so that the rod comes out of the doors top.
    Once the rod is pushed out of the doors top, my son grabbed it with a vise grip and pulled it further out so we could place a second grip underneath the first.
    After removing the first grip, we srewed the bolt to the rod. Now placed the vise grip to the bolt, released the grip from the rod and slowly slided everything back into the door.
    The vise grip should hold bolt and rod in place, so that tey don´t slide in completly.
    The mechanism should now be almost in the right place.
    Now I pushed down the lower rod. Grabed this bolt with a vise grip and attached the rod to the opening mechanism.
    Attached the mechanism to the door - done !
    Then we tested it and realised, that we srewed the upper bolt too far to the rod. It didn´t reach the whole in the Frame. So we put everthing apart again, turned the bolt back and did it all again. (did that twice)
    Putting the vise grips back to the bolts helps a lot !!!

    Number of posts : 483
    Location : Oklahoma City, OK
    Registration date : 2012-07-11

    stripping side/rear doors Empty Re: stripping side/rear doors

    Post by busman78 Sun Dec 06, 2015 2:34 pm

    I used mechanics wire on the rod end plenty long enough so the rod could be guided as the assembly went in. Also shortened the spring by a couple coils which reduced the 500# pull required to operate the latch.

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