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    240 carburetor


    240 carburetor Empty 240 carburetor

    Post by Guest Sat Nov 07, 2009 12:26 pm

    I'm looking for a carb for my '65 240ci, but I'm not exactly sure what to look for. I know there are different carbs for manual and auto transmissions... I have a manual transmission. Will this Holley carb work for me?...

    Can I use a carb from a later Ford 240? Or should I look for the exact model off my van?

    I'm a little apprehesive about getting an auto choke unit too. Seems like it's something you can't fix if it goes bad. Is this a founded suspicion?

    Thanks for the help!

    Number of posts : 2067
    Location : Saskatoon, SK, Canada
    Registration date : 2008-05-20

    240 carburetor Empty Re: 240 carburetor

    Post by sasktrini Sat Nov 07, 2009 6:50 pm

    D0PF part number is 1970... it looks like it has emissions dashpots on it that I believe are absent on mine...

    You know what though, auto-choke is nice to have, and just as simple as cable ones. Only think is if you leave your key on when the engine gets cold, the choke will stay open like for a hot start. That's for electric chokes...

    240 carburetor Empty Re: 240 carburetor

    Post by Guest Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:19 pm

    I was going to use a Weber 38 on mine but after Reading about Autolite Atomizer carbs rebuilt by Pony carbs I want to get one of them. I want to swap the one barrel for a two barrel. You can read about them here: Pony carbs are also sold on ebay

    240 carburetor Empty Re: 240 carburetor

    Post by Guest Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:44 am

    Well at least I know there's a option for a brand new carb. I can't spend $420 though.

    What about rebuilding one?... I keep reading that if you don't rebuild one of these carbs just right, it can permanently screw it up. I just don't get that. I've rebuilt tons of carbs, SU's, webers, hitachis, keihins, mikunis. They're simple, and if you replace the right parts and clean them thoroughly with carb cleaner and blast them with air they are always fine. But is there something special with these autolite's?

    Unfortunately I don't have one to rebuild... the one my 240 came with is for a 170. The throttle linkage [position being the biggest difference I can tell.

    240 carburetor Empty Re: 240 carburetor

    Post by Guest Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:39 pm

    There are several Autolite carbs on ebay. They just are not the vaporizers. A lot less money though.

    240 carburetor Empty Re: 240 carburetor

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:10 am

    I guess I'm having a hard time finding the right one... I'm not sure if I can use a later model carb, or a carb meant for auto transmission.

    This is the only one I have found that is for a 65-67 240 I6...

    Should I get that and rebuild it, or are the rumours I've been hearing about these carbs being difficult to rebuild to good working order true?

    240 carburetor Empty Re: 240 carburetor

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 22, 2009 10:46 pm

    sasktrini wrote:D0PF part number is 1970... it looks like it has emissions dashpots on it that I believe are absent on mine...

    You know what though, auto-choke is nice to have, and just as simple as cable ones. Only think is if you leave your key on when the engine gets cold, the choke will stay open like for a hot start. That's for electric chokes...

    Hey Sasktrini,

    Where did you find that the DOPF part number is for a 1970? I found this one website that says the DOPF-C is 1965-67 Ford Taxi 240 with std. and auto, and for 1966-68 Ford Passenger.

    I guess, ideally, I'd get a DOPF-9510-E, F, or J. There was actually a DOPF-E on ebay, but the seller had blocked Canadian bids.

    I'm really interested if the info on that website is legit. I don't know too much about these old Fords, but I'm learning! BTW, if anyone has a 240 Econo carb for sale, let me know.

    Number of posts : 12254
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    240 carburetor Empty Re: 240 carburetor

    Post by donivan65 Sun Nov 22, 2009 11:46 pm

    I have never run into any problems rebuilding these 1100 Autolite carbs, and if you put a "T" on your oil sending unit, an electric choke heating element will only be activated when the engine is running and you have oil pressure. But the automatic chokes of the 60's were heat controlled from the exhaust manifold,,,,,

    240 carburetor Autoli10

    Number of posts : 2067
    Location : Saskatoon, SK, Canada
    Registration date : 2008-05-20

    240 carburetor Empty Re: 240 carburetor

    Post by sasktrini Mon Nov 23, 2009 7:20 am

    With Ford parts, D=1970, C=1960... next digit is the year. C5 is 1965, D0 is 1970. It's funny that the website you showed has so many D0 items for 60s vehicles. That site is pretty good, and the info looks specific to Holley carbs... Holley probably provided them with reliable info... Probably not much changed, except maybe some minor emissions stuff... vacuum ports that you might have to cap if you aren't running any devices off vacuum.

    Haven't been to that website in a while, but I like the site and what they do!

    Oh, the eBay ad quoted the D0PF part number sequence which made me wonder about the claim that it was designed for your engine, sorry if I misled you.

    240 carburetor Empty Re: 240 carburetor

    Post by Guest Tue Nov 24, 2009 12:33 am

    That's a good tip about the part numbers. So I wonder what the deal is with these D0PF carbs... maybe they made some new designs in 1970 that supercede the older carbs?

    Is there a C*** part number for the 240 carb? Does anyone know what it is?

    I found a D0PF-E carb on ebay today here. It looks quite a bit different than the photo of the 240 carb in this old Mac's Auto catalogue I have, but I think the throttle linkage is more in the correct position than the carb I currently have.

    240 carburetor Empty Re: 240 carburetor

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 14, 2013 3:05 pm

    Yeah... I'm digging up old threads. Laughing 

    Anyway, maybe I'm missing something here. Can anyone recommend a replacement carburetor for my '66 Econoline that has either an electric or thermostatic choke that will fit on my 240 while allowing me to keep the factory air cleaner and retain the throttle cable position?

    Sorry for being a pain in the butt!

    Thanks guys!!!

    240 carburetor Empty Re: 240 carburetor

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 14, 2013 3:53 pm

    Since I posted this, I've been doing a little more digging. It looks like a Carter YF may fit the bill. I've found some on eBay with a hot air choke.

    Does anyone have any further info on the Carter YF on their Econoline?


    240 carburetor Empty Re: 240 carburetor

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 15, 2013 12:35 am

    Sorry to hijack an old thread but I've done some further research.  The carb on my Econoline turned out to be a Holley 1940 with "4468" stamped on the float bowl.  No doubt this was a replacement for the original Autolite 1100.  The carb housing has a blank casting where the choke diaphragm should be which suggests this carb is indeed set up for a manual choke (i guess).  

    The throttle shaft is worn and has been leaking fuel onto the manifold for some time, or so the clean spots on the manifold have indicated.  This thing is grimey and wet looking at all the gaskets.  It also sometimes acts like it's flooded, no doubt due to the crappy nitrophyl floats Holley used in these things.  And now, I believe the float is sticking a bit in the closed position making the van act like its running out of gas...  Which it is.

    To top it all off, whomever was the last one to use a monkey wrench on this thing jacked up the manual choke cable and lost part of the choke linkage.  The fuel line looks like a 5 year old bent it and the rubber hose is too long and rests on the intake then snakes upward toward the carb and there is also no fuel filter on this van ANYWHERE!  So, I can imagine the inside of this thing looks like the bottom of my wife's Jeep after a trip to the mountains.

    To be honest, I'm surprised this thing runs at all.

    There is no doubt that I'm going to totally replace this carburetor.  Like I said before, I would like to find a replacement with a hot air or electric choke.  My only real concern is that I'm worried that whatever carb I get may not have the correct linkage in order to connect to my existing throttle cable.

    Any input would be greatly appreciated.

    **EDIT** OK... If I look up a carb for a '66 Galaxie with a 240, I get an Autolite 1100 with a hot air choke and the throttle connection looks dead on. I think I'm going to try it.
    Seth G
    Seth G
    Vintage-Vans Listings Manager
    Vintage-Vans Listings Manager

    Number of posts : 2087
    Location : Anacortes, WA
    Age : 51
    Registration date : 2013-04-24

    240 carburetor Empty Re: 240 carburetor

    Post by Seth G Sun Sep 15, 2013 9:59 am

    Personally I would try and find a yf or other carb for it. The Autolite 1100 is notoriously a POS. And unless you have the load o matic dist it wont work properly. If that is the case it would be a great time to upgrade to an HEI dist while your at it, guy on ebay sells them fairly cheap for fords.

    240 carburetor Empty Re: 240 carburetor

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 15, 2013 11:04 am

    What?!  OMG!!!  ARGGG!!!  Mad   Laughing 

    I just went out and checked.  The Econoline's distributor lacks the two small springs on the plate the points are mounted on and I can rotate the rotor button about a 1/2.  Both indicators that this thing ISN'T a Load-o-matic.

    Why on god's green earth is this so involved and difficult?!  

    So, can someone please give me some idea as to which application I can use to look up a Carter YF?  I was under the understanding that Ford transitioned to the Carter in the late 60's but that the manifold changed slightly in the mid to late 70's.  Someone has definitely messed with this thing as the distributer that is in there has a '68 part number and my van is a '66.  Come to think of it, there seems to be a LOT of 1968 part numbers on this thing.

    When I think of all the hours I've wasted drudging through the dregs of the internet to get the information I need, only to find out that it's ALL wrong, I kinda get sick to my stomach.  Either there is absolutely ZERO information about Econolines or you get totally conflicting info.

    I literally (and I don't use that word often) wasted my Friday AND Saturday researching this stupid thing.  Like I said, my only real concern is the throttle linkage lining up.    

    Seth, THANK YOU for saving me from a $200+ mistake! Cool Cool Cool 

    240 carburetor Empty Re: 240 carburetor

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 15, 2013 11:51 am

    OK... I'm having issues finding a Carter YF with a choke that's available or has the linkage in the right place. And, quite frankly, I'm getting tired of screwing around with it.

    I did, however, find a Holley 1940 with a "climatic" (hot air) choke that fits a '71 that I can get my hands on. With the exception of having a choke and choke pulloff, it is the exact same design that is on my van. Therefore the factory air cleaner will fit, the throttle cable will fit as will the vacuum from the distributor. It looks to be plug and play. Also, I won't have to worry about the core.

    Number of posts : 77
    Location : San Luis Obispo Ca
    Registration date : 2013-08-10

    240 carburetor Empty Re: 240 carburetor

    Post by RichardP Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:30 am

    Pony Carbs
    I check the web site inlinesix and did not see the Pony Carb. Can you send me some more info on who has them and what they are.
    Seth G
    Seth G
    Vintage-Vans Listings Manager
    Vintage-Vans Listings Manager

    Number of posts : 2087
    Location : Anacortes, WA
    Age : 51
    Registration date : 2013-04-24

    240 carburetor Empty Re: 240 carburetor

    Post by Seth G Mon Sep 23, 2013 2:06 pm

    Did you try National Carburetors? I believe they still manufacture a yf and the would have the holley to. Give them a call.

    Number of posts : 63
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    240 carburetor Empty Re: 240 carburetor

    Post by Randall711 Tue Sep 24, 2013 4:47 am

    Not to trample on this post but while on the subject has anyone on here done the 4bbl swap on there 240? I had looked into that but don't know anyone that had done it. I know you can buy a kit with intake,carb,and headers. I'm going to need a carb for my 240 as well this is why I ask.

    240 carburetor Empty Re: 240 carburetor

    Post by Guest Wed Sep 25, 2013 2:37 pm

    I got my carb issues figured out. Thanks everyone!

    Last edited by ccain on Wed Sep 25, 2013 11:59 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I figured it out.)

    Number of posts : 314
    Location : Seattle, WA
    Registration date : 2010-12-29

    240 carburetor Empty Re: 240 carburetor

    Post by Murdock Wed Sep 25, 2013 3:44 pm

    Randall711 wrote:Not to trample on this post but while on the subject has anyone on here done the 4bbl swap on there 240? I had looked into that but don't know anyone that had done it. I know you can buy a kit with intake,carb,and headers. I'm going to need a carb for my 240 as well this is why I ask.
    I have a Holley 4160 with an Offy dual plane intake. I have not done headers yet but will soon. You will need to modify your doghouse for this to fit. You will also have carb boiling problems, covered very well on here by Vic. I am still playing with mine for the right settings. I got some tips from Bronco and pickup guys who have done it (and have the room for it).

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