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    1965 Chevy G10 Van for Sale - DFW TX

    Van Solo
    Van Solo

    Number of posts : 6
    Location : Ft. Worth, Texas
    Registration date : 2016-09-25

    1965 Chevy G10 Van for Sale - DFW TX Empty 1965 Chevy G10 Van for Sale - DFW TX

    Post by Van Solo Mon Sep 09, 2024 12:57 pm

    Selling my 1965 Chevy G10. I used to drive it around a lot however it did sit for a few years after 2020. I recently replaced battery. Dropped/cleaned out fuel tank. Cleaned fuel line. New tank seals, fuel filter and fuel pump. New Air filter. Coolant flush and Oil Change before driving around this year. I feel like the carburetor could be tuned because the idle is either too low or high when it gets warm. Transmission works great. Body is in good shape! Roof has some warpage. Has an exhaust leak near the exhaust manifold flapper valve. Slow Master Cylinder Leak (new one in box). Recommend brake and safety inspection before driving. Let me know if your interested or have any questions.

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