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    2nd Gen G-van headlight adjusters


    Number of posts : 44
    Location : Annapolis, MD
    Age : 42
    Registration date : 2019-05-11

    2nd Gen G-van headlight adjusters Empty 2nd Gen G-van headlight adjusters

    Post by MDVANMAN Wed Jan 18, 2023 7:57 am

    Hello everyone! I have my van all wired for lights and the headlights look kinda wall-eyed when they come on. The source of the problem is the plastic adjuster things that are riveted to the inside of the headlight bucket. They're old and stripped out/cracked. I have new adjuster screws but they won't hold position in the old plastic female threaded things.

    Anyone have a source for new/NOS/repop ones? Or does anyone have a part number or know what they are called?

    Any help is much appreciated!

    Number of posts : 87
    Location : moab, ut
    Registration date : 2020-07-23

    2nd Gen G-van headlight adjusters Empty Re: 2nd Gen G-van headlight adjusters

    Post by 13-ball Wed Jan 18, 2023 10:17 am

    I'm not sure what the van ones look like.  But my Chevy truck of that era had the very same thing going on.

    I got the ones like the 2nd photo.  But I think either style will fit the square hole.

    Headlight adjuster kit.  Came with screws. plastic things and springs.

    2nd Gen G-van headlight adjusters Chevy_10

    2nd Gen G-van headlight adjusters Chevy_11

    Number of posts : 44
    Location : Annapolis, MD
    Age : 42
    Registration date : 2019-05-11

    2nd Gen G-van headlight adjusters Empty Re: 2nd Gen G-van headlight adjusters

    Post by MDVANMAN Wed Jan 18, 2023 10:32 am

    Thanks 13 ! That's like what came with my kit from LMC truck but on the van they looked like this:
    (item #4)

    I may give these a try since they're so cheap.

    Also got tipped off to National Parts Depot by someone on another forum and found this set:

    Might try both...

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