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    window roller - only 1 for 1st gen / window tilted?


    Number of posts : 23
    Location : Kennebunk, ME
    Registration date : 2022-03-21

    window roller - only 1 for 1st gen / window tilted? Empty window roller - only 1 for 1st gen / window tilted?

    Post by cpginkpt Sat Jul 30, 2022 10:06 am

    1965 G10

    replaced my felts and when i replaced my window it now rolls up a bit tilted (front higher than back).

    I followed the instructions per the manual regarding the (single?) roller using 2 cranks from bottom before setting it in track, but it is still tilted.

    Is i just a matter or adjusting the number of cranks for the bottom before I set it in the track to get it to slide up level?


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    window roller - only 1 for 1st gen / window tilted? Empty Re: window roller - only 1 for 1st gen / window tilted?

    Post by AzDon Sat Jul 30, 2022 6:51 pm

    The only reason I can imagine for setting the rear track with the window halfway up would be to get distance between the tracks right......The single-roller regulator and arm aren't adjustable in any way and the roller doesn't stay centered on the bottom of the glass, so there is nothing to assure that the glass goes up straight......
    I recently got a channel and whiskers kit and the run channel is not the flexible metal conduit style, so I'm going to shop some more and spend yet again getting the good stuff...

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    window roller - only 1 for 1st gen / window tilted? Empty Re: window roller - only 1 for 1st gen / window tilted?

    Post by donivan65 Sun Jul 31, 2022 12:51 pm

    This is the system,,,,regulator just pushes and pulls glass up and down,,,,,glass rides in vent window track, but that lower back track usually breaks loose so nothing is adjustable unless the rubber channel is binding glass, I would undo the 4 bolts out of the regulator and see if glass goes up and down by hand to see if glass moves freely....

    window roller - only 1 for 1st gen / window tilted? Dscn0228

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    window roller - only 1 for 1st gen / window tilted? Empty Re: window roller - only 1 for 1st gen / window tilted?

    Post by wideload Wed Aug 03, 2022 3:02 pm

    Make sure the screw that holds the rear track to the bottom of the door is still intact.

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    window roller - only 1 for 1st gen / window tilted? Empty Re: window roller - only 1 for 1st gen / window tilted?

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