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3 posters

    '65 front Axle?


    Number of posts : 11
    Location : Cheektowaga, NY
    Registration date : 2020-07-23

    '65 front Axle? Empty '65 front Axle?

    Post by DanInWNY Wed Jun 01, 2022 7:24 am

    My guess it would be pretty hard to come by a front axle for my Gen 1 van?

    When I got it, it was converted to 4 x 4, and had a 1/2 ton Chevy straight front axle on it.

    I've since considered going in a different direction, but...

    ...I have no 'regular' front axle!!!

    There was one locally for sale on CL, but a Dodge maybe, and not the right pin-to-pin distance.

    Is there one out there not TOO far from me!?!



    Number of posts : 758
    Location : Lake Havasu Az
    Age : 68
    Registration date : 2014-01-20

    '65 front Axle? Empty Re: '65 front Axle?

    Post by AzDon Thu Jun 02, 2022 7:51 am

    You will probably have to buy a complete donor van to get the front suspension.....Watch for awhile and wait for a rustbucket and try to buy it cheap.....

    Number of posts : 38
    Location : Woodbury Ct
    Registration date : 2021-01-17

    '65 front Axle? Empty Re: '65 front Axle?

    Post by WoodButcher Thu Jun 02, 2022 10:24 am

    Hey brother, how near is "near me"? I think I have what your looking for.

    '65 front Axle? _65_ax10

    I cut these out of a pile of rust that came with my '69. I was told it was a '65 but my knowledge is limited and can only guarantee 1st gen. I also have the steering column and box that I cut out of the frame.

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    '65 front Axle? Empty Re: '65 front Axle?

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