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    2nd Gen G10 Sway Bar bushings and brackets


    Number of posts : 2
    Location : Lethbridge, Alberta
    Registration date : 2021-02-28

    2nd Gen G10 Sway Bar bushings and brackets Empty 2nd Gen G10 Sway Bar bushings and brackets

    Post by mecnicman Tue Sep 07, 2021 8:40 am

    I have acquired a sway bar to put on my 67. It came with the sway bar and the end link brackets. It did not come with the bushing mount brackets. I can see online where the endlinks and bushings are readily available. I need one that comes with the brackets for the frame mounted bushings or a source for the brackets. Anyone know of a source for polyurethane endlinks and bushings?

    Number of posts : 376
    Location : Kingwood Texas
    Age : 69
    Registration date : 2015-09-19

    2nd Gen G10 Sway Bar bushings and brackets Empty Re: 2nd Gen G10 Sway Bar bushings and brackets

    Post by gfleduc Wed Sep 08, 2021 6:04 am

    For the shaft to the frame; reading a parts book:
    Front bracket GM P/N 383493 (Summit racing & others have them).
    Bushing GM 3903083 | Moog P/N K5227 crosses over - with Ø.77" ID - what diameter is the shaft?

    For the link and bushings:  '67 only is 2nd gen unique that is uses the same 10" link bolt as 1st gen.
    NAPA 265-1318 (Don't know bolt diameter - original GM was 5/16")
    Moog K7275 has Ø 7/16" bolt

    Number of posts : 1
    Location : Atlanta, GA
    Registration date : 2021-08-22

    2nd Gen G10 Sway Bar bushings and brackets Empty Re: 2nd Gen G10 Sway Bar bushings and brackets

    Post by deepgrey Thu Oct 14, 2021 4:41 pm

    For future reference, the sway bar on my '67 is a 15/16" diameter, and I measured the end link bolts as 9 3/8" long from the end to under the bolt head.

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