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    Remote Fill and Bleeder Hat for my master cylinder


    Number of posts : 765
    Location : Lake Havasu Az
    Age : 68
    Registration date : 2014-01-20

    Remote Fill and Bleeder Hat for my master cylinder Empty Remote Fill and Bleeder Hat for my master cylinder

    Post by AzDon Mon Aug 09, 2021 8:44 pm

    When I installed a jeep cherokee stabilizer bar to the flipped front axle on my van, there was interference with the master cylinder, so I moved it.....

    The new location is hard to access to add brake fluid, so I made a custom lid that holds pressure for pressure bleeding the brakes and doubles as a remote fill lid for a remote reservoir....

    Remote Fill and Bleeder Hat for my master cylinder Master22

    Remote Fill and Bleeder Hat for my master cylinder Master24

    Remote Fill and Bleeder Hat for my master cylinder Master23

    First three pictures are of the pieces before installation on the master cylinder....The side rails on the bottom of the hat clamp the 1/8th" epdm rubber seal in place and index the hat from side2side.....The bottom plate is 1/2" T6, threaded for 1/4 grade 8 bolts...

    Remote Fill and Bleeder Hat for my master cylinder Master25

    Remote Fill and Bleeder Hat for my master cylinder Master26

    It was a bit hard to photograph this setup installed because access is tight.... The master sets right behind the grille pointing forward and I was able to shoot one pic through the lower grille opening.....The side profile pic required sticking the camera up in there from under the van and hoping for a shot...

    Also seen in the last pic is the under-floor portion of the new throttle, the cover plate over the original throttle hole, and the two gates of the stick shifter bolted together for shifting the automatic.....

    gmytych, DanTheVanMan, chiefcrewdog and 1961epup like this post


    Number of posts : 765
    Location : Lake Havasu Az
    Age : 68
    Registration date : 2014-01-20

    Remote Fill and Bleeder Hat for my master cylinder Empty Re: Remote Fill and Bleeder Hat for my master cylinder

    Post by AzDon Mon Aug 23, 2021 9:19 pm

    Remote Fill and Bleeder Hat for my master cylinder Remote10

    The tee setup looked vulnerable to damage, so I did this instead....

    savage, gmytych, DanTheVanMan, chiefcrewdog and 1961epup like this post

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