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2 posters

    Jack Instruction stickers


    Number of posts : 1048
    Location : San Diego, CA
    Age : 63
    Registration date : 2008-05-16

    Jack Instruction stickers Empty Jack Instruction stickers

    Post by VANagain Mon Mar 15, 2021 1:23 pm

    I've finally finished my recreations of the original Jack Instruction stickers for 1st and 2nd Gen vans. I worked from scans of the original labels. Found the exact fonts! And used scans of the drawings from the manuals and edited them to match the labels.

    Jacke is going to get these printed up and handle the orders. She's gotten a list of interested vanners over on VCVC. There is a minimum amount required to get them printed.

    There are two designs:

    1st Gen
    Jack Instruction stickers Jackin11

    2nd Gen
    Jack Instruction stickers Jackin10

    If anyone is interested in these for your classic van, just reply here or contact JackeFriend so she can follow up once they are printed.

    Number of posts : 1048
    Location : San Diego, CA
    Age : 63
    Registration date : 2008-05-16

    Jack Instruction stickers Empty Re: Jack Instruction stickers

    Post by VANagain Mon May 03, 2021 10:38 pm

    The stickers turned out real nice. Good printing job. Here's mine in my 65 Sportvan.

    Jack Instruction stickers Img_8810

    I know, my jack mount is mounted sideways! But I also have the 2nd Gen jack so I wanted the option to use either type.

    BTW, you can get that spring with the ring out of 3rd Gen GM vans that are like new because they used much better paint. Their jack mount is similar to ours but smaller. Also, grab the spring "sleeve" and grommets for where the license plate wire goes into the door. Those are usually like new too!
    Rick's 66 Chevy Van
    Rick's 66 Chevy Van

    Number of posts : 331
    Location : Denver nc
    Age : 65
    Registration date : 2011-03-06

    Jack Instruction stickers Empty Re: Jack Instruction stickers

    Post by Rick's 66 Chevy Van Thu May 06, 2021 5:50 am

    how much

    Number of posts : 1048
    Location : San Diego, CA
    Age : 63
    Registration date : 2008-05-16

    Jack Instruction stickers Empty Re: Jack Instruction stickers

    Post by VANagain Thu May 06, 2021 8:59 pm

    Only $3 each!

    Until now, these were the best I had seen!

    Jack Instruction stickers Jackin12

    Jack Instruction stickers Jackin13

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    Jack Instruction stickers Empty Re: Jack Instruction stickers

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