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    Street views of San Diego in the '70's


    Number of posts : 698
    Location : Chula Vista, Ca.
    Age : 64
    Registration date : 2015-12-08

    Street views of San Diego in the '70's Empty Street views of San Diego in the '70's

    Post by Russell Tue Jun 09, 2020 7:38 am

    A person started posting these street views from the '70's of roads around San Diego, there are so many cool cars on the streets including lots of Vans. You could waste a whole day pausing the video's looking at the cars and Vans.

    Number of posts : 698
    Location : Chula Vista, Ca.
    Age : 64
    Registration date : 2015-12-08

    Street views of San Diego in the '70's Empty Re: Street views of San Diego in the '70's

    Post by Russell Wed Jun 17, 2020 6:35 am

    I think this is my '65 Impala wagon I had in the '70's, Crager wheels?

    Street views of San Diego in the '70's Wagon10

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    Number of posts : 1048
    Location : San Diego, CA
    Age : 63
    Registration date : 2008-05-16

    Street views of San Diego in the '70's Empty Re: Street views of San Diego in the '70's

    Post by VANagain Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:30 am

    Cool stuff, Russell!

    Speaking of early San Diego, I spotted a couple of Earlies in a photo book about the Ocean Beach area in the late 60s. Most of the photos were of a protest that took place there.

    Street views of San Diego in the '70's Ob_bow10
    (click photos to see larger versions)
    Street views of San Diego in the '70's Ob_pol10

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    Street views of San Diego in the '70's Empty Re: Street views of San Diego in the '70's

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