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    SIngle Barrel to 2 Barrel upgrade for Hoopty.. Question


    Number of posts : 293
    Location : Central Indiana
    Age : 56
    Registration date : 2009-08-31

    SIngle Barrel to 2 Barrel upgrade for Hoopty.. Question Empty SIngle Barrel to 2 Barrel upgrade for Hoopty.. Question

    Post by Dantra Tue May 29, 2018 8:35 am

    Once again it's time for me to think about getting Hoopty out of the garage. Had the thought last year.. didn't happen. Same as the year before and before. But I'm doing it this year! I always get these crazy ideas that I'm going to do this or that and then start collecting parts to do it etc. Life keeps getting in the damn way and now years have passed and I've missed out on just cruizin'

    SO I'm coming to terms with reality.. Get back to the roots of it and have a driver once again that my wife and I can hit a few cruise ins or whatever with

    Last year I cranked it over and fuel begain to seep from a few places. I know the carb has gotten crusty and I've rebuilt it in the past but I'm thinking of just buying a new one and be done with it. I have a sandblasted Super Six 2 barrel intake and air cleaner tin sitting on the shelf ready to go... so if I'm going to buy a new carb, it may as well be a 2 barrel correct?! Question is.. which one? I'd like to keep things simple and not have to jump through a bunch of hoops to make it work. Plug and play is what I need or I may miss another year of enjoying some time with the old truck. I have a feeling JKR has my answer haha

    Aside from the carb, I know it needs a new battery, fluids changed and a good run through the brakes again. I may even take it down the the exhaust shop and get the exhaust done up proper just to celebrate.

    If anyone has an easy answer as to which carb to go with, I'd appreciate it. If it aint easy.. I'll just buy a replacement single barrel and be done with it.


    SIngle Barrel to 2 Barrel upgrade for Hoopty.. Question Empty Re: SIngle Barrel to 2 Barrel upgrade for Hoopty.. Question

    Post by Guest Thu May 31, 2018 10:09 am

    If you have the 225, it will only use 390 CFM at 6000 RPM, max. I'd go with the Holley 350 CFM 2-bbl, electric choke, Part# 0-80350. A 500 CFM carb will be way too big.

    Number of posts : 293
    Location : Central Indiana
    Age : 56
    Registration date : 2009-08-31

    SIngle Barrel to 2 Barrel upgrade for Hoopty.. Question Empty Re: SIngle Barrel to 2 Barrel upgrade for Hoopty.. Question

    Post by Dantra Thu Jun 07, 2018 3:44 am

    Thanks for the reply..

    Big dollars for that particular carb. Looking at a few other options. Some guys are using 32/36 Webers but the fact that they are sequential, they require some jetting and tuning. Not sure that I want to deal with all that. I've found that the Carter BBD is a good option as well.

    Number of posts : 293
    Location : Central Indiana
    Age : 56
    Registration date : 2009-08-31

    SIngle Barrel to 2 Barrel upgrade for Hoopty.. Question Empty Re: SIngle Barrel to 2 Barrel upgrade for Hoopty.. Question

    Post by Dantra Tue Jul 03, 2018 6:03 am

    Ended up ordering a new Weber 38 kit...

    Now I just need to replace the engine. Found a hair line in my block. Sheesh

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    SIngle Barrel to 2 Barrel upgrade for Hoopty.. Question Empty Re: SIngle Barrel to 2 Barrel upgrade for Hoopty.. Question

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