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4 posters

    Looking for a 1st or 2nd Gen 108" G10 w/ automatic and v8


    Number of posts : 2
    Location : London, Canada
    Registration date : 2017-09-30

    Looking for a 1st or 2nd Gen 108" G10 w/ automatic and v8 Empty Looking for a 1st or 2nd Gen 108" G10 w/ automatic and v8

    Post by RhodesTraveled Wed Oct 25, 2017 6:14 pm


    I'm Looking for a 1st or 2nd Gen G10 108" w/v8 and automatic. Something with no side windows and is road worthy. I'm located in SW Ontario Canada but I'm willing to travel if the van is able to be driven back. Let me know if you know the where about of one. Help make my Van life dreams come to fruition!

    Thank you.
    Be Well

    Number of posts : 2632
    Location : Where Rust Never Sleeps in Ft Wayne IN
    Registration date : 2008-05-15

    Looking for a 1st or 2nd Gen 108" G10 w/ automatic and v8 Empty Re: Looking for a 1st or 2nd Gen 108" G10 w/ automatic and v8

    Post by savage Thu Oct 26, 2017 7:01 am

    1st gen only came in 90 inch wheel base,so if you want a 108 your looking for a 67-70.
    Good luck with your search,hope you find your dream Van

    Number of posts : 2
    Location : London, Canada
    Registration date : 2017-09-30

    Looking for a 1st or 2nd Gen 108" G10 w/ automatic and v8 Empty Re: Looking for a 1st or 2nd Gen 108" G10 w/ automatic and v8

    Post by RhodesTraveled Thu Oct 26, 2017 2:25 pm

    Oh cool I wasn't aware of that. Thanks for letting me know!

    Number of posts : 14
    Location : Sacramento, California
    Registration date : 2015-12-06

    Looking for a 1st or 2nd Gen 108" G10 w/ automatic and v8 Empty Something Close

    Post by 108VanGuy Mon Apr 13, 2020 10:25 pm

    I have a 69 G20 display (windows on one side) with 307 CID, THM 350, Posi 3.73, power assist front brakes. All equipment listed above is original. Even compression and a clear title. Contact me if you want pics or more information.

    Number of posts : 2632
    Location : Where Rust Never Sleeps in Ft Wayne IN
    Registration date : 2008-05-15

    Looking for a 1st or 2nd Gen 108" G10 w/ automatic and v8 Empty Re: Looking for a 1st or 2nd Gen 108" G10 w/ automatic and v8

    Post by savage Tue Apr 14, 2020 7:59 am

    Its a Rare van too. GM didn't make many 108 Display vans

    Number of posts : 757
    Location : Lake Havasu Az
    Age : 68
    Registration date : 2014-01-20

    Looking for a 1st or 2nd Gen 108" G10 w/ automatic and v8 Empty Re: Looking for a 1st or 2nd Gen 108" G10 w/ automatic and v8

    Post by AzDon Tue Apr 14, 2020 12:30 pm

    I'm kind of amazed that so many "display vans" have survived as I'da thought they were so weird and undesirable that they all would have been scrapped ages ago....To me, the two windows on the curb side would need to disappear....

    Number of posts : 757
    Location : Lake Havasu Az
    Age : 68
    Registration date : 2014-01-20

    Looking for a 1st or 2nd Gen 108" G10 w/ automatic and v8 Empty Re: Looking for a 1st or 2nd Gen 108" G10 w/ automatic and v8

    Post by AzDon Tue Apr 14, 2020 12:51 pm

    So here is the van you are looking for:

    It has a 283/3spd and supposedly runs.....Has no windshield and who knows what else it needs.... It's down here along the Colorado River in AZ and at it's current price it probably will be for awhile..... I re-message my bid (what I think it's worth) every couple of weeks, but the current owner has fixed ideas of what she believes the value is... I've told her honestly that there is somebody out there willing to travel and pay her price.... Maybe you?

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    Looking for a 1st or 2nd Gen 108" G10 w/ automatic and v8 Empty Re: Looking for a 1st or 2nd Gen 108" G10 w/ automatic and v8

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