by whalemstr Fri Aug 25, 2017 11:17 am
I planned accordingly and did not have any traffic problems at all.
Spent from Saturday until Monday afternoon in Eugene, then drove over to the coast and went down to Coos Bay, where I spent two nghts with another friend. After that, I headed south along the coast to Arcata, CA where I went up and over some serious mountain passes and spent the night and most of Thursday at the Trinity River before heading home last evening.
The van operated beautifully! I only used one quart of oil during the whole 870+ mile trip and no water!
Near as I can figure, I got close to 19mpg - although one time I checked and it showed me getting a little under 17mpg? Either way, it's not bad for a 48 year old brick with 400 watts of solar panels on it's roof!