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    1964 Chevy VIN


    Number of posts : 68
    Location : Fayetteville N.C.
    Registration date : 2015-01-17

    1964 Chevy VIN Empty 1964 Chevy VIN

    Post by dudley32 Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:39 pm

    I'm supposed to go look at a '64 Chevy van tomorrow and would like to know where to find the vin numbers...I did a search but didn't find what I needed...thanks

    Number of posts : 3794
    Location : United States Six Lakes MI
    Registration date : 2008-05-17

    1964 Chevy VIN Empty Re: 1964 Chevy VIN

    Post by Digz Fri Apr 28, 2017 6:37 pm

    Right by your left shoulder as you are sitting in it. Also on a crossmember by the gas tank either behind it or in front. Usually hard to see if the tank is in.

    Number of posts : 1412
    Location : New Jersey
    Age : 70
    Registration date : 2013-08-18

    1964 Chevy VIN Empty Re: 1964 Chevy VIN

    Post by Vantasia Mon May 01, 2017 8:49 am

    Yes, those two spots, a small silver metal riveted plate on the post by the shoulder and the frame number is stamped.  You might be able to see the front frame with a flashlight if you can under it over the tank where the fuel line enters through the frame.  The blue data plate down by the drivers door front post does not have the VIN, only GVW and engine details.  I have a '64, if you get, ask away!
    Here's the post vin, pic turned sideways...
    1964 Chevy VIN 20170410

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    1964 Chevy VIN Empty Re: 1964 Chevy VIN

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