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    Dog house insulation - "MAYBE" the best possible. (??)


    Number of posts : 326
    Location : So. East Indiana
    Registration date : 2015-05-08

    Dog house insulation - "MAYBE" the best possible. (??) Empty Dog house insulation - "MAYBE" the best possible. (??)

    Post by Skulptorchaz Sun Feb 19, 2017 4:18 pm

    A buddy of mine dropped by for me to fab up a project for him and we were talking about a job he just did. He's a chimney sweep.
    He said he put in a new stainless liner in a chimney and if he put the insulation around it, it was guaranteed forever. The insulation is ceramic wool with a rather heavy aluminum foil backing, about 1/2'' thick.
    I use a ceramic wool insulation in my forge. It's 1 1/2'' thick. It easily gets up to 2500*, the inside glows yellow and I can put my finger on the outside of the wool and it does not burn me. Incredible stuff!! That stuff is called KAOWool. I'm not sure of the name of the chimney stuff but, it IS ceramic wool as well.
    I have some high heat glue coming in Tuesday and I'm going to glue the wool to the inside of the dog house in 5'' strips. I will them tape both edges with the tape he gave me and then do another 5'' strip the same way, right next to it. It will require a lot of tape, all said and done but, I want to make sure it stays put withot mechanical fasteners. The tape is supposed to be bad ass as well.
    Has anyone else tried this stuff?? I will be getting the name in case anyone wants it. I'll also report back as to how it worked. The lid will be first and that should be a good indicator.
    Thought I'd share!

    Number of posts : 14778
    Location : Ashburnham, MA
    Age : 65
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    Dog house insulation - "MAYBE" the best possible. (??) Empty Re: Dog house insulation - "MAYBE" the best possible. (??)

    Post by vanny Mon Feb 20, 2017 3:42 am

    Thanks for posting, it'll be interesting to see if it stays put.

    “The future will soon be a thing of the past."

    Number of posts : 326
    Location : So. East Indiana
    Registration date : 2015-05-08

    Dog house insulation - "MAYBE" the best possible. (??) Empty Re: Dog house insulation - "MAYBE" the best possible. (??)

    Post by Skulptorchaz Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:28 am

    Me too, Vanny. Rolling Eyes He says the glue on the tape is bad ass and only gets better with heat. (OK, I'll bite. Somebody has to be the guinea pig.) If it will stay up in the lid, this will be awesome. If not, I guess there is always on the outside of the doghouse.
    Time will tell.

    Number of posts : 31
    Location : Turlock, CA
    Age : 44
    Registration date : 2017-05-09

    Dog house insulation - "MAYBE" the best possible. (??) Empty Re: Dog house insulation - "MAYBE" the best possible. (??)

    Post by apedave Fri May 26, 2017 8:57 pm

    How did it work out?

    Number of posts : 377
    Location : Kingwood Texas
    Age : 69
    Registration date : 2015-09-19

    Dog house insulation - "MAYBE" the best possible. (??) Empty Dog House insulation

    Post by gfleduc Fri May 26, 2017 9:40 pm

    I would like to see a picture....

    Number of posts : 326
    Location : So. East Indiana
    Registration date : 2015-05-08

    Dog house insulation - "MAYBE" the best possible. (??) Empty Re: Dog house insulation - "MAYBE" the best possible. (??)

    Post by Skulptorchaz Sat May 27, 2017 9:37 am

    Working good so far!!! Tape is holding and heat is reduced. I'm just not sure how to tell if it is better or worse than other methods.

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    Dog house insulation - "MAYBE" the best possible. (??) Empty Re: Dog house insulation - "MAYBE" the best possible. (??)

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