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3 posters

    fuse box relocation


    Number of posts : 148
    Location : Ocean View, Virginia
    Registration date : 2014-05-22

    fuse box relocation Empty fuse box relocation

    Post by K-Noods68 Sun Jul 31, 2016 9:42 am

    Has anyone relocated their fuse box, while using one of the aftermarket wiring kits?

    I'm thinking of possibly relocating the fusebox on my 68 108, to a cabinet behind the drivers seat, and I was just wondering if the wiring kits have enough length to allow this without having to extend the wire length. If that makes sense?

    Number of posts : 205
    Location : El Cajon, Ca
    Registration date : 2009-05-04

    fuse box relocation Empty Re: fuse box relocation

    Post by mattimuss Mon Aug 01, 2016 5:48 am

    It depends on which kit you buy. I will be relocating mine to in front of the doghouse.

    I bought one of the EZWire 12 Circuit Kits:
    [ ]

    But I know I will need to buy extra wire for some of the runs. I was planning on contacting EZWire to see if they could sell me labeled wire for those extra long runs.

    Number of posts : 148
    Location : Ocean View, Virginia
    Registration date : 2014-05-22

    fuse box relocation Empty Re: fuse box relocation

    Post by K-Noods68 Mon Aug 01, 2016 7:32 am

    I was looking around on eBay for wiring kits, and I came across the Speedway 22 circuit kit. The length on the taillight leads are 17 feet. I figure that should be cool for the van. Might be slight possibility that I would still have to splice in a little wire for the passenger taillight.

    Number of posts : 65
    Location : Hertfordshire, UK
    Registration date : 2016-05-22

    fuse box relocation Empty Re: fuse box relocation

    Post by jifop Wed Aug 03, 2016 8:57 am

    I fitted an ez wire kit in a Volkswagen and it was great so much better than the stock electrics and I fitted it in a day including fitting all the lights and other electrics which had been removed for paint, I had to extend the wires to the engine as it was rear engined but besides that had loads to play with so I'm sure in front engined van you'll be fine!

    I have a rebel wiring kit which I'll be putting in my Econoline over the winter.

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