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    1966 Dodge A-100 Travco Family Wagon matching seat (bench) with folding legs ebay auction ends in 30 min


    Number of posts : 2
    Location : Temecula, CA
    Registration date : 2015-10-07

    1966 Dodge A-100 Travco Family Wagon matching seat (bench) with folding legs ebay auction ends in 30 min Empty 1966 Dodge A-100 Travco Family Wagon matching seat (bench) with folding legs ebay auction ends in 30 min

    Post by cjbsr Wed Oct 07, 2015 2:48 pm

    Ebay auction closing in 35 minutes...

    Here we have a factory original blue matching seat/stool/bench sorta thingy with folding legs that matched the legs of the table (not sure if it was meant for interior or exterior) that came out of my 1966 Dodge A-100 Travco Family Wagon.
    It has a couple loose seams and small tears/blemishes (See pics), but in pretty darn good overall condition for being 49 years old.
    in another active auction we nave a factory original (matching to this item) backrest (can't find a better word) that fit perfectly between the bucket seats and over the doghouse (engine compartment) that formed a makeshift bench seat in my 1966 Dodge A-100 Travco Family Wagon.  as well as a new back window straight from the glass shop... still in the box

      Current date/time is Mon Dec 02, 2024 8:25 am